Comment 4 for bug 1096453

Revision history for this message
Nasenbaer (nasenbaer) wrote :

Well you missinterpret it in that way, that a normal game takes longer than 3-5 minutes and the longer a game takes, the more buildings, workers, wares and the like are produced. Just keep in mind: every field, every planted tree, every bread animal (gamekeeper) and every newly created workers (maybe even ware) seems to lead to a small memory leak. Further the game was started on a 64x64 map with just one AI opponent - that run took already enough time when running widelands in valgrind, running a bigger map would take even more time until the game is finally loaded.

However you are right in that way, that these numbers do not say that much - I used the dedicated mode, that does not show possible memory leaks in graphic code and I ran valgrind with --show-possibly-lost=no , so only definitly lost memory is shown in the list. The list of "possibly lost memory" + "definitely lost memory" is muuuuch longer ;)

However to show some numbers that look more realistic and show the full "memory leak" problem (so summary of all leaks ;) ):

I started a new game (singleplayer) on the map "Atoll.wmf" (still small used terrain because of the big water size) with three AI and me. I saved the game after 20 minutes and closed widelands.
After a restart of Widelands, I reloaded the game immediatly closed it again, reloaded it, closed it and reloaded it a third time.
Here is the memory usage of Widelands (output of the taskmanager):

before loading the first time: 10.4MB
After 1st loading (in game): 162.5MB
After stoping the game: 157.9MB
After 2nd loading (in game): 304.2MB
After stoping the game: 298.5MB
After 3rd loading (in game): 444.4MB
After stoping the game: 437.8MB

And again - this is a 20 minutes game, I was far from having a complete economy and had no enemy contact yet.