How do I install the program on Linux

Created by Bernard Czenkusz
install Linux
Last updated by:
Bernard Czenkusz

VATStuff requires python version 2.5 or later (but not version 3+). To check your version, type 'python --version' at a terminal prompt.

VATStuff depends on a number of libraries, which you need to install. These are; WxPython, PIL and Reportlab. On Ubuntu use the package management system to install:


Once these are installed, download the file VATStuff-0.7.0.tar.gz into your home directory (or any other directory which you may prefer), and untar it using the command:

    tar -xf VATStuff-0.7.0.tar.gz

Alternatively - if you are using Ubuntu, after moving it to your home folder, just right-click on the archive icon and choose 'Extract Here'

This will create a directory 'vatstuff' with everything beneath it. Should you want to uninstall, delete this directory and its contents.

To run VATStuff, change into the vatstuff directory, and double click on - or from the terminal type './'

If the file does not have executable permissions, try 'python' instead.

Alternatively, for a system installation, from within the vatstuff directory, type:

sudo python install

And VATStuff will be installed into your file system hierarchy, and can then be run from anywhere using the command - you can then delete the tar file and its extracted contents.