What are the log files?

Created by Bernard Czenkusz
log files
Last updated by:
Bernard Czenkusz

At various points in the program, logs are generated and saved in the file:

<Path to the program installation directory>/vatstuff_files/log/VATStuff.log


<Users home>/.vatstuff/VATStuff.log

Normally these logs only record information and error messages, but if more detailed logs are required, the program can be started with the command line argument '--debug' which turns on more detailed logging. For example:

 python vatstuff.py --debug

Also, the argument '--nologs' turns off logging completely:

 python vatstuff.py --nologs

Try python vatstuff.py --help for all command line options.

Logs, and debug mode can also be set in the configuration file vatstuff.cfg

Further log files VATStuff.log.1 to VATStuff.log.5 may exist - as VATStuff.log grows to 20KBytes it is saved with an incrementing number. After VATStuff.log.5 older log files are deleted, so the log files do not grow indefinetly.