Clock font preferences don't work?

Created by Peter Levi
Last updated by:
Peter Levi

Editing the clock fonts from the GUI is a new feature since version 0.4.12. Before this the fonts were hardcoded in the clock_filter property (in ~/.config/variety/variety.conf). To support customizing fonts, the new value of the clock_filter property has several %FONT variables in it that are replaced by Variety before applying the filter.

If you have edited the clock_filter property and it is different from its old default value, Variety will not update it and the value with the hardcoded fonts will be used, so the fonts defined in the GUI will not be taken into account. To fix this, you will have to do one of these:

A) Revert to the default clock_filter property. You can do this by simply removing or commenting out the clock_filter setting in the config file, or by copying it from variety_latest_default.conf.

B) If you insist to keep your changes, and still be able to change fonts from the GUI, you will have to manually merge your changes with the font-specific parts from the new default value (see it in variety_latest_default.conf).

Additionally, because of the difference in how GTK and ImageMagick (which is used to render the clock) treat font naming, sometimes the conversion from GTK to ImageMagick font names fails, and ImageMagick reverts to a default font, or not all styles of the font are taken into account. This happens mostly with complex font styles such as "SomeFont Medium Bold Italic". In this case either choose a different font, or edit the clock_filter property and hardcode the font you want to use.