Comment 7 for bug 1171276

Revision history for this message
Zhao Cai (caizhaoff) wrote :

I have managed to achieve this by using boost regex engine. The code is embedded in the YouComplete code: [QueryPartialMatch]( ).

Now I have two proposals:

1. add snippet syntax to tell what to complete for the completion engine like YouComplete.

For example, I have a snippet:

snippet "(\S+)\.Del(ete)?_?if" ".delete_if { |<key>,<value>| <block> }" r
`!p`.delete_if { |${1:key},${2:value}| ${3:# TODO} }

I would like to have a way to tell the completion engine to complete `Delete` instead of `(\S+)\.Del(ete)?_?if`.

2. Do you want to include the code in ultisnip? That means extra compliation for installation.