Can UbuntuOne discover client instances on local network and treat them as cache before downloading from remote ubuntuOne server?

Asked by Matthew Bassett

One of my use cases for UbuntuOne is for keeping several laptops and desktops (and ideallly a NAS!) synchronised on my local network.

My understanding is that at the moment new files are uploaded to the UbuntuOne servers, and then each client downloads the file over the WAN from the servers.

In the future, will UbuntuOne clients be able copy data across the local network in preference to requesting such multiple downloads across the WAN? (this also needs to intelligently handle the situation of multiple client instances on a local network having identical updated files that the server does not yet have -- we do not want more than one client to attempt uploading an updated file to the server at the same time, as that is again wasted bandwidth and I imagine could potentially lead to errors).

I understand that at the moment I can achieve much the same effect by manually synchronising the files on the local network myself using rsync or unison, but how safe is this?

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English Edit question
Ubuntu One storage protocol Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Joshua Hoover
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Revision history for this message
Joshua Hoover (joshuahoover) said :

We have discussed adding the ability to sync clients across the local LAN but don't have it on our roadmap for this year so far. Using rsync in combination with Ubuntu One is likely going to produce undesirable results as I think you'll get quite a few conflicts along the way as each client will still attempt to synchronize files with the Ubuntu One servers.

Revision history for this message
Matthew Bassett (hewbass) said :

Will this still be a problem even if the rsync 'synchronisation' is carried out without UbuntuOne client connected or running?

Revision history for this message
Matthew Bassett (hewbass) said :

I've added another question which describes my issue more accurately and without getting sidetracked into other issues, or specific details, as I have managed here.

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Best Joshua Hoover (joshuahoover) said :

Hi Matthew, OK. I'm not sure I answered your question or not. Please let me know if you need further input. Thank you, Joshua

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Matthew Bassett (hewbass) said :

Sorry for the confusion Joshua -- I have the answers I need now (including yours above). Many thanks!