Change logs for gcb source package in Xenial

  • gcb (1:1.07-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Adopted by the Debian Hamradio Maintainers (Closes: #553654)
      * debian/control:
        - Bumped standards version to 3.9.6
        - Maintainer set to Debian Hamradio Maintainers
        - Added myself to uploaders
        - Changed debhelper version to >= 9
        - Added ${misc:Depends} to Build-Depends
        - Added Vcs-* fields for the pkg-hamradio Git repository
      * debian/compat:
        - Bumped compat level to 9
      * Source format changed to 3.0 (quilt)
      * debian/rules:
        - Switched to streamlined dh format
      * Created debian/gcb.manpages to install manpages previously installed
        in debian/rules
      * Added watch file
      * debian/copyright:
        - Converted to DEP-5 format
      * debian/patches/add-makefile.patch:
        - Include a Makefile, now uses dpkg-buildflags for CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
      * debian/patches/pre-quilt-changes.patch:
        - Changes to the source code made prior to the change of source format
     -- Iain R. Learmonth <email address hidden>  Thu, 13 Aug 2015 00:02:05 +0100