
Registered by David Lawson

The Ubuntu release that will be delivered in October 2014, designated 14.10.

The Ubuntu release that will be delivered in October 2014, designated 14.10.

The Utopic Unicorn has no packages recorded in Launchpad.

Series information

Utopic (14.10)
Project drivers:
Ubuntu Drivers, Ubuntu Release Team
Release manager:
Ubuntu Release Team
Derives from:
Jessie (8.0)
Derived series:
14.09 (14.09), 14.09-factory (14.09.1)
Source packages:
No sources imported or published.
Binary packages:
No binaries imported or published.

Derived from Jessie


Upstream packaging

5876  source packages are linked to registered upstream projects. 0  need linking.

Recently linked to upstream:

libreoffice-l10n linked by Mathew Hodson

libreoffice linked by Mathew Hodson

thunderbird linked by Mathew Hodson

gpredict linked by Jan Simon

xubuntu-default-settings linked by Sean Davis


17 of 7 results
Version Expected Summary
Ubuntu utopic-updates None
Ubuntu ubuntu-14.10 2014-10-16 Final release of Utopic Unicorn.
Ubuntu ubuntu-14.09 2014-09-30 Five months after 14.04.
Ubuntu ubuntu-14.08 2014-08-31 Four months after 14.04.
Ubuntu ubuntu-14.07 2014-07-31 Three months after 14.04.
Ubuntu ubuntu-14.06 2014-06-30 Two months after 14.04.
Ubuntu ubuntu-14.05 2014-05-31 One month after 14.04.
17 of 7 results