Change logs for munin source package in Saucy

  • munin (2.0.17-2ubuntu1.1) saucy-security; urgency=low
      * SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service via resource exhaustion
        - 40b5694727dfae6a56fb8989ab6fff14840ac254
        - 284d7402718d98fcf10cee565415939882abab99
        - CVE-2013-6048
      * SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service via service name
        - 00164f5a4dec86b659ecbc3e05addb06fe7ef996
        - CVE-2013-6359
     -- Marc Deslauriers <email address hidden>   Wed, 18 Dec 2013 09:16:22 -0500
  • munin (2.0.17-2ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
        - d/munin-node.upstart,munin.upstart: Add upstart configurations.
      * Applied directly to source as package is source format 1.0:
        - debian/patches/fix_ran_out_of_children.patch:
          Fix occasional "Ran out of children: No child processes" error messages
          (LP: #1009357).
    munin (2.0.17-2) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Matthias Schmitz ]
      * Don't remove munin's apache2.4 configuration on removal. This is the
        behavior as we do with the apache2.2 configuration.
      * As apache2-maintscript-helper doesn't work if called from a function we now
        give $@ of the postinst to our apache_install function. (Closes: #718959)
      [ Holger Levsen ]
      * munin-async.init:
        - provide LSB status command.
        - fix $SCRIPTNAME.
        - rm pid file on stop.
        Thanks to Daniel Black for the patch. (Closes: #720280)
      * munin-node.cron.d: use munin-run to run plugins. (Closes: #720275)
      * Provide examples how to configure munin for nginx, thanks to Daniel
        Dehennin. (Closes: #684466)
    munin (2.0.17-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Holger Levsen ]
      * New upstream version. (Closes: #712793, #717265)
      * Drop debian/munin-async.logrotate and also add code to
        munin-async.postinst to remove that file (and keep a backup if it was
        modified) on upgrades from older versions. (Closes: #717260)
      [ Matthias Schmitz ]
      * Don't make new touched logs munin-cgi-graph.log and munin-cgi-html.log
        executable in postinst. (Closes: #717847)
      * Don't remove /var/lib/munin-node in munin-node's postrm. The directory
        belongs to munin-plugins-core.
      * Really remove munin config snippet from apache2/conf.d during postrm.
        (Closes: #708864)
    munin (2.0.16-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Add systemd units
     -- James Page <email address hidden>   Thu, 19 Sep 2013 22:01:41 +0100
  • munin (2.0.16-2ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
        - d/munin-node.upstart,munin.upstart: Add upstart configurations.
      * Applied directly to source as package is source format 1.0:
        - debian/patches/fix_ran_out_of_children.patch:
          + Fix occasional "Ran out of children: No child processes" error messages
            (LP: #1009357).
    munin (2.0.16-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * plugins/df: ignore devtmpfs. Cherry picked ab42e8b as efe4526 from
        upcoming 2.0.17. (Closes: #710527)
      * Add libcgi-fast-perl as alternative suggests. (Closes: #711272)
    munin (2.0.16-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream version
    munin (2.0.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Holger Levsen ]
      * Remove Tom Feiner and Steve Schnepp from debian/control. Thanks for all
        your work, Tom and Steve!
      [ Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ]
      * New upstream version (Closes: #710527, #710529)
      * Add dep8 autopkg tests
      * Remove /var/lib/munin-node/ when purging munin-node
    munin (2.0.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream bugfix release. (Closes: #707811) - See upstream changelog
        for the full list of changes.
      * ntp_ plugin was moved from munin-plugins-extra to munin-plugins-core, add
        appropriate Breaks: and Replaces: relationsships. (Closes: #707611)
      * Make dependencies on librrds-perl and liblog-log4perl-perl unversioned.
    munin (2.0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release. (Closes: #558800, 702442) - See upstream changelog
        for the full list of changes.
      * Add conntrack to munin-plugins-core suggests. (upstream trac #1267)
        (Closes: #691048)
      * munin-node.init: drop support for sarge, five years after Debian dropped
      * Bump standards-version to 3.9.4, no changes necessary.
      * munin.logrotate rules: use delaycompress (Closes: #705515) - Thanks to
        Michael Shuler for the patch.
    munin (2.0.12-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream release. (Closes: #699803, #703479, #689291)
    munin ( experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream release, fixing a typo.
    munin (2.0.11-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream release.
    munin (2.0.10-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (Closes: #615957, #671448)
    munin (2.0.9-5) experimental; urgency=low
      * munin-node.postinst: Fix install/upgrade detection
    munin (2.0.9-4) experimental; urgency=low
      * munin.postinst: Fix install/upgrade detection
      * Cherry-pick from upstream:
        - munin-limits: Add --always-send, --force options
    munin (2.0.9-3) experimental; urgency=low
      * debian/plugin.conf:
        - remove exclude example from [df*]. (Closes: #694531)
        - run sendmail_* plugins as smmta user. (Closes: #606465)
      * debian/*.postinst:
        - only (try to) create users on first install, not on every upgrade.
        - only configure apache on first install.
        - add better comments what legacy code to remove after
    munin (2.0.9-2) experimental; urgency=low
      * Include the changes from 2.0.6-2 as actually uploaded to sid - and not as
        proposed in #694790.
      * For 2.0.9-2 this effectly means stop using quilt (all patches have been
        removed anyway, see 2.0.6-2 changelog) and a different (=the actual)
        debian/changelog entry for 2.0.6-2. So this upload is basically a no-op.
      * Which actually means that 2.0.9-2 equals 2.0.9 plus 099cc00f, which was
        added in 2.0.6-2.
     -- James Page <email address hidden>   Thu, 11 Jul 2013 13:10:08 +0100
  • munin (2.0.9-1ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #1089218). Remaining changes:
        - d/munin-node.upstart,munin.upstart: Add upstart configurations.
        - debian/patches/fix_ran_out_of_children.patch:
          + Fix occasional "Ran out of children: No child processes" error messages
            (LP: #1009357).
    munin (2.0.9-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream bugfix release(s).
        - Drop all debian/patches/ (except 100-DejaVu-Fonts-Path.patch) as they
          were included in 2.0.7-2.0.9.
      * Remove libcgi-fast-perl from munin's depends.
      * Add libapache2-mod-fcgid to munin's suggests.
      * Support libapache2-mod-fcgid in /etc/munin/apache.conf out of the box
        (Closes: #695228), remove configuration for libapache2-mod-fastcgi as it's
      * debian/rules: set MUNIN_VERSION correctly during build. (Closes: #694527)
    munin (2.0.6-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
      * munin-node.postinst: delete /var/lib/munin(-node)/plugin-state recursively
        on purge. The plugin-state is outdated after a few minutes anyway.
        (Closes: #687715)
      * Fix "/etc/apache2/conf.d/munin removed on upgrade":
        - debian/munin.postinst: create symlink for new installs and also for
          upgrades from versions where it was still removed (up to 1.4.6-3) but
          not re-created (from 1.4.6-1 onwards). Thanks to Gregor Herrman for the
          patch and intrigeri for reviewing. (Closes: #677943)
      * Add documentation for munin-async, thanks to Daniel Black.
        (Closes: #681803)
      * Patch node/ to allow incoming IPv6 from localhost,
        mostly to document that IPv6 addresses are allowed as well. Thanks to
        Daniel Black. (Closes: #676798)
        This is debian/patches/238-munin-node-ipv6allow.patch
      * cherry-pick 789c59e from 2.0.7 to avoid (using the default
        configuration) /var/log/munin/munin-html.log being flooded with 106 lines
        of noisy warnings (out of 112 lines in total) every 5min. (Closes: #689291)
        This is debian/patches/239-fix-too-many-warnings-in-munin-graph.log.patch
      * munin-doc: Break and replace munin-common << 2. (Closes: #694355)
      * selinux_avcstat plugin: Do not use the "read without variable" bashism,
        thanks to intrigeri for the patch. (Closes: #690711)
        This is 240-Do-not-use-the-read-without-variable-bashism.patch
      * Have master support multi-homed nodes that only listen on IPv4.
        (Closes: #678662) This is upstream commit a18229c5, thanks to Michael
        Renner for the testing and the patch!
        This is debian/patches/241-master-connect-to-AAAA-and-A-address.patch
      * Fix wrong assumption about Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_options return value.
        Thanks to intrigeri for this patch. (Closes: #675377)
        This is 242-Fix-wrong-assumption-about-Net-SSLeay-CTX_set_option.patch
      * http_loadtime plugin: fix stderr redirection (which broke the plugin
        completely) (Closes: #691448)
        This is 243-http_loadtime-fixed-stderr-redirection-with-time.patch
      * apt_all plugin: the apt_all plugin has its state updated in cron. There
        the ENV var MUNIN_PLUGSTATE doesn't exist, so we need to set a default.
        (Closes: #687495). This has been in included in 2.0.7 and is
      * munin-async.init: Run munin-async after munin-node has been started.
        (Closes: #691390) - Thanks to Daniel Black for this and the next two
      * munin-async.postinst: fix /var/lib/munin-async ownership (once on upgrades
        from previous versions) and for new installs. (Closes: #691309)
      * munin-async.logrotate: correct location of munin-async logfiles.
        (Closes: #691758)
      * Use dh --with quilt so that the patches are actually applied.
        (Closes: #691327)
      * Drop 101-suppress-occasional-unknown-states-to-avoid-alerts.patch which
        is included since munin 1.4.4.
    munin (2.0.6-1) unstable; urgency=high
      * New upstream release 2.0.6, switching back to cron graphing (as it better
        for small setups) and besides that only containing bugfixes, but many of
        them. See the upstream ChangeLog for the full list.
        - munin-node: more secure state file handling, introducing a new plugin
          state directory root, owned by uid 0. Then each plugin runs in its own
          UID plugin state directory, owned by the said UID. (Closes: #684075),
          (Closes: #679897), closes CVE-2012-3512.
          So all properly written plugins will use
          /var/lib/munin-node/plugin-state/$uid/$some_file now - please report
          plugins that are still using /var/lib/munin/plugin-state/ - as those
          might pose a security risk!
        - munin-cgi-graph: ignore @ARGV to fix CVE-2012-3513 (Closes: #684076),
          thanks to Helmut Grohne <email address hidden>
        - munin-cron: call munin-graph with --cron argument (Closes: #685343)
        - Master/ fix _node_read_fast() to accept all valid returns
          (Closes: #686089) and _do_connect() to not use an uninitialized
          variable. (Closes: #686090)
        - munin-async: make spoolread less restrictive about (valid) plugin names
          (Closes: #686093)
      * Update Location and Scriptalias in shipped apache.conf to fix a regression
        introduced in fixing #682869.
      * munin-node.postinst: don't create /var/lib/munin/plugin-state anymore as
        munin-node now uses /var/lib/munin-nodes/plugin-state and subdirs and
        handles creation by itself.
      * debian/rules: workaround bug in upstream Makefile targets to move
        /var/lib/async from munin-node package to munin-async.
      * debian/control:
        - make munin-async depend on munin-node for now.
        - update Vcs: headers to point to an uptodate repository.
      * Remove build/resources/apache-cgi.conf from as it's outdated.
      * update munin.NEWS to reflect that everybody using cgi graphing needs to
        update the configuration files and that cron graphing is the default
        again. (cgi graphing was the default from pre-2.0 until 2.0.5)
    munin (2.0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Holger Levsen ]
      * New upstream versions, fixing lots of bugs (including a regression in
        munin-cgi-graph preventing it from caching at all (Closes: #683064))
        and adding documentation and manpages.  See upstream ChangeLog for the
        full list.
      * Remove workaround  concerning java-plugins (667493) in debian/rules
        as upstream has fixed this in e7e29c4 in 2.0.3.
      * munin-async.init:
        - run munin-async as munin-async user (Closes: #684171)
        - use stop function from munin-node.init to make it actually stop it
          (Closes: #684170). In the future we should replace both initscripts with
          saner rewrites.
      [ Helmut Grohne ]
      * Move cgi scripts to /usr/lib/munin/cgi. (Closes: #682869)
     -- Jeremy Bicha <email address hidden>   Thu, 13 Dec 2012 23:44:14 +0100