Change logs for netbase source package in Quantal

  • netbase (5.0ubuntu1) quantal-proposed; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian testing. All our previous delta is gone.
      * Change ifupdown Breaks from << 0.7~rc1 to << 0.7 as Ubuntu shipped
        ifupdown without the networking job until 0.7~rc3.
    netbase (5.0) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Removed the init script, added Breaks: ifupdown (<< 0.7~rc1).
        (Closes: #595113)
      * etc-services: added asf-rmcp (623/udp). (Closes: #657152)
      * etc-services: added iscsi-target (3260/tcp). (Closes: #657178)
      * etc-services: added console (782/tcp). (Closes: #658077)
      * Starting from this release, TCP/UDP ports will be added only for the
        actually implemented protocol even if IANA nowadays assigns both.
      * Removed the obsolete dependency on initscripts.
     -- Stephane Graber <email address hidden>   Tue, 03 Jul 2012 11:05:17 -0400
  • netbase (4.47ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low
      * Merge from Debian testing. Remaining Changes:
        - debian/netbase.init:
          + silence ifup/ifdown if VERBOSE == no
          + silence debuging output if VERBOSE == no
          + Temporarily increase usplash timeout to 120 seconds
            to cope with slop DHCP server responses
          + Replace the "start" command with a call to upstart-job
        - debian/control: Depend on upstart-job
        - debian/netbase.postinst:
          + Remove old start symlinks on upgrade
          + Only install symlinks for runlevel 0 and 6
        * debian/netbase.init: adding initctl call to allow upstart jobs which
          support networking to shutdown at the appropriate moment. just before
          networking is deconfigured. This specifically addresses network-manager
          stopping too soon.
    netbase (4.47) unstable; urgency=low
      * etc-services: added groupwise (1677). (Closes: #633375)
      * etc-services: removed clc-build-daemon (8990/tcp) because it is
        unofficial and invalid accordingly to RFC 6335. (Closes: #641291)
      * etc-services: swapped the www name with its alias http, since the latter
        is the official name.
      * s/_/-/ for the following service names, to comply with RFC 6335:
        pipe_server, sge_qmaster, sge_execd, kerberos_master, passwd_server,
        krb_prop, moira_db, moira_update, moira_ureg. The old names have
        been retained as aliases.
     -- Clint Byrum <email address hidden>   Mon, 13 Feb 2012 10:21:02 -0800