Change logs for fortune-mod source package in Quantal

  • fortune-mod (1:1.99.1-6) unstable; urgency=low
      * QA upload.
      * Move recode from Build-Depends-Indep to Build-Depends, because
        it is used in arch builds too.  Fixes FTBFS (closes: #682983)
     -- Adam Conrad <email address hidden>  Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:45:13 -0600
  • fortune-mod (1:1.99.1-5ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
      * debian/control:
        - Move recode from Build-Depends-Indep to Build-Depends, because
          it is used in arch builds too.  Fixes FTBFS on everything but i386
     -- Michael Terry <email address hidden>   Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:56:24 -0400
  • fortune-mod (1:1.99.1-5) unstable; urgency=low
      * QA upload.
        Set Maintainer to QA group, see #673585.
      * control: added {misc:Depends}.
        Split common sentences in descriptions to ease translation.
        Distinguish packages short descriptions.
      * Switch to debhelper 9.
        Split -arch and -indep targets.
        Previous version did prepare the manpage only for -indep packages.
      * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format (bzip2 for debian.tar).
        patches/shortcut_cookie_lists_build_system.diff simplifies the
        buildsystem and allows calling clean and unpatch target in any order.
        This embeds Pratchett's jokes, forgotten in previous versions.
      * Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.3 (no changes).
      * Thanks to lintian for...
      * Thanks to respective authors for...
        patches/dennis-ritchie.diff (Closes: #646379).
        patches/fortunes.steve_jobs.diff (Closes: #644644).
        patches/quotes_not_properly_divided.diff (Closes: #646380).
        patches/remove_backspaces.diff (Closes: #349867).
        patches/rochefoucauld.diff (Closes: #361745).
        patches/search_LOCFORTDIR_even_if_LANG_not_set.diff (Closes: #284043).
     -- Nicolas Boulenguez <email address hidden>  Thu, 05 Jul 2012 14:04:01 +0200
  • fortune-mod (1:1.99.1-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Take bulk attribution/typo corrections from Simon Danner's git. Thanks so
        much! Saves me some work for sure.
        closes: #411907, #400232, #502483, #497057, #497060, #385408
        closes: #527198, #445470, #476770, #500282, #369662, #363095, #386503
        closes: #501748, #498932, #491815, #485388, #361896, #514243, #476772
      * Soften dependency chain between fortune-mod and fortunes-min. In this case,
        fortunes-min now recommends fortune-mod, while fortune-mod recommends
        fortunes-min | fortune-cookie-db. closes: #529065, #542935
      * Add some new fortunes. closes: #432849, #416290, #411079, #390434, #373817,
        closes: #359311, #350838, #347945, #546644, #521421, #499068, #376182
        closes: #410254
      * Add the 'tao' fortunefile, closes: #228930.
      * Fix Mark Twain attribution, closes: #514144
      * Correct some chess moves, closes: #388167
      * Change dependency on xcontrib to x11-utils. closes: #462625
      * Move fortune menu category to 'Applications'.
      * Delete strange postinst that created /usr/local/share/games/fortunes/off.
        If it fixed a real problem, I would like to rediscover it to figure out
        why THAT was the solution so many years ago.
     -- Bhavani Shankar <email address hidden>   Tue, 29 Sep 2009 15:38:11 -0700