Change logs for hedgewars source package in Precise

  • hedgewars (0.9.22-dfsg-2~ubuntu12.04.1) precise-backports; urgency=medium
      * No-change backport to precise
    hedgewars (0.9.22-dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Replace Droplet.ogg CC-3.0 alternative with a 0s ogg file.
        - this file is provided by upstream developer "nemo", with no associated
          license, because there is no creativity in an "empty" ogg file.
    hedgewars (0.9.22-dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release.
      * Priority optional.
      * Tweak source code to remove Droplet*.ogg, and provide a dfsg alternative
        (Closes: #802829)
    hedgewars (0.9.22~git20150914-3) experimental; urgency=medium
      * Use fp-compiler-2.6.4, hack but should work.
    hedgewars (0.9.22~git20150914-2) experimental; urgency=medium
      * Use fp-compiler to check if we need to use BUILD_ENGINE_C
        - aspcud resolver from experimental doesn't install fpc virtual
          package (optimizing for size).
    hedgewars (0.9.22~git20150914-1) experimental; urgency=medium
      * New upstream snapshot.
        - drop all patches, upstream
      * Update copyright file.
      * Update Unera and My uid.
      * Remove menu file, not needed anymore
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Add a debug package, per upstream request.
        - 0001-Add-RelWithDebInfo-for-debugging-purposes.patch
          Add RelWithDebInfo support for cmake.
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix some copyright issues.
     -- Gianfranco Costamagna <email address hidden>  Tue, 05 Jan 2016 13:51:50 +0100
  • hedgewars ( precise-backports; urgency=medium
      * No-change backport to precise (LP: #1408581)
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix some copyright issues.
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Upload to unstable, with no patches at all.
        - the clang build failure seems probably clang-related (cfr: #754417).
          leaving the arch enabled until some clang folk fixes this.
    hedgewars ( experimental; urgency=medium
      * Try to not use fstack-protector when BUILD_ENGINE_C, clang is
        failing to build on arch != arm64.
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream bugfix release.
        - Drop every debian patch, all merged upstream.
      [ Reiner Herrmann ]
      * Make hedgewars create reproducible builds, by removing timestamp
        on build-time created png icons. (Closes: #774633)
    hedgewars (0.9.21-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix bad ghc find module cmake script.
      * Fix arm* build failures.
     -- Felix Geyer <email address hidden>   Sat, 21 Feb 2015 23:06:44 +0100
  • hedgewars (0.9.21-3~ubuntu12.04.1) precise-backports; urgency=medium
      * No-change backport to precise (LP: #1406603)
    hedgewars (0.9.21-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix bad ghc find module cmake script.
      * Fix arm* build failures.
    hedgewars (0.9.21-2) experimental; urgency=medium
      * Enable experimental BUILD_ENGINE_C.
    hedgewars (0.9.21-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release (Closes: #760776).
        + New type of randomly generated maps: Perlin Maps.
        + Old Random generated maps are more diverse now.
        + Slider for adjusting land generation detail.
        + Highlander gamemode can now be used with custom weapon schemes
          (1-8=How probable to get this weapon. 9=All hogs get it)
        + New gameplay mode "Construction Mode"
        + New gameplay mode "TechRacer"
        + New game play mode "DiagonalMaze" (generates a simple diagonal maze)
        + Add 7 target practice missions, now with simple scoring
        + Update RC Plane Challenge: Stats screen reworked and shows now several
          facts, simple ranking system based on used planes, some taunts in
          the game
        + New training/multiplayer mission: "Climb Home"
        + Game scheme screen has a "Script parameter" field now. This allows to
          make more customizable scripts/modes.
        + Network game rejoining. Note: Your team(s) will vanish after 3 turns.
        + Visual and gameplay changes to "sea" - world edge, visual change to wrap
          world edge to allow seeing through the wrap, visual change to bounce
        + The map of the Basketball Mission can be selected for regular games
          again ("BasketballField")
        + New engine command: /togglechat will disable/enable chat display (does
          not affect chat history display)
        + Change to Racer: first weapon/utility available will be automatically
          selected on start
        + Added some visual feedback to failed girder placement.
        + Various performance tweaks, especially for very large maps.
        + Allow switching through hogs in reverse order with
          PRECISE+HOGSWITCH (left shift + tab, by default)
        + Added support for custom Sudden Death music to theme.cfg
          (e.g. sd-music=hell.ogg ).
        + New Hats: policegirl, fr_tomato, cratehider
        * Fixed drill rockets sometimes exploding on impact.
        * Fixed trainings broken due to indestructable targets/crates.
        * Fixes and tweaks for low qualily rendering.
        * Sinegun won't shoot through -solid- land anymore
        * Many bug fixes and tweaks.
        Frontend / Netgame:
        + High resolution previews!
        + Preview for dynamic maps generated by game style scripts
          (e.g. "ShoppaMap))!
        + Moved room status filter to top left of rooms list.
        Lua API:
        + New library: Params, makes parsing of script parameters easier
        + New library: TargetPractice, used to generate target practice missions
          (the newly added missions use it)
        + More helpful syntax error messages.
        + New hooks:
          onParameters(paramString) -- called when script parameters are
          configured. the parameter contains the parameter(s) as text string
          onPreviewInit() -- called during map preview initialization
          onGearWaterSkip(gearUid) -- called when a gear skims the water without
          drowning (when hitting it with high speed at low angle). By checking
          gearUid you can figure out which gear that was.
        + New functions:
          DismissTeam(teamname) -- removes a team from the game (note: if you used
          loc() on teamnames, don't forget to the translated teamname here too)
          GetGameFlag(gameflag) -- returns true/false
          PlaceSprite(x, y, sprite, frameIdx [, landFlag, ... ]) -- sprite
          refers to an id from the TSprite list
          SetWaterLine(waterline) -- moves water level to the specified
          y. the current value is in read-only global waterline
          SetNextWeapon() -- make current hedgehog switch to next weapon.
          e.g. use in trainings to preselect weapon
          SetWeapon(ammoType) -- decide which weapon the current hedgehog should
        + Map Drawing:
          -- to be used in onGameInit() -- first set MapGen to mgDrawn and then use
          the commands below
          AddPoint(x, y [, width [, erase] ]) -- takes x,y location, a width (means
          start of a new line) and erase (if line should erase, not draw)
          FlushPoints() -- makes sure that all the points/lines specified using the
          command above are actually applied to the map
        + New global enumerations:
          Mapgens: mgRandom, mgMaze, mgPerlin, mgDrawn
          TSprite values
          LandFlags: lfIndestructible, lfIce, lfBouncy
        + Changed functions:
          HogSay(gearUid, text, manner [, vgState]) -- now also allows you to make
          NON-Hedgehog gears speak, e.g. barrels... wait what?!
        + Changed hooks:
          onHogAttack() can now be hooked with new parameter:
          onHogAttack(ammoType) - to conveniently find out which ammo/weapon
          is being used
        * Fixes:
          gfResetHealth is now a available like the other GameFlags
    hedgewars ( experimental; urgency=medium
      * Add disable-fstack-protector.patch
    hedgewars ( experimental; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release snapshot.
      * Update copyright lua entry.
      * Drop all debian patches, merged upstream.
      * Use C engine where fpc is not available.
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix experimental lintian warnings (copyright)
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Bump std-version to 3.9.6, no changes required.
      * Fix some copyright entries (s/BSD/BSD-3-clause).
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fix build failure with recent CMake. (Closes: #763233)
        patch: 774cfec959227a52b9a54afa8b069277c2f7e656.patch
      * Update copyright file.
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Upload to unstable.
      [ Felix Geyer ]
      * Backport upstream commit b2d1b0d292c7 to fix
        cmake 3.0 build (Closes: #758449)
    hedgewars ( experimental; urgency=medium
      * Try again to enable parallel builds.
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Restoring png files for hicolor icons.
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Release to unstable.
    hedgewars ( experimental; urgency=low
      * debian/patches/0001-Fixed-desktop-file-By-adding-an-xpm-icon.patch
        Added an hedgewars.xpm file (Closes: #726443)
      * Installing icons as xpm instead of png.
    hedgewars ( experimental; urgency=low
      * debian/rules
        - added NOVERSIONINFOUPDATE, avoiding to change
        - Added a script for checking the ttf-fonts version, in order
          to find the original file, not the symlink (needed for
          backports to systems with ttf-dejavu-core << 2.33+svn2514-2~
          the first version with the font location changed
          and symlink created)
      * debian/control
        - Switched back to ttf-dejavu-core since it is easier to backport,
          fonts-dejavu-core is only available in testing
    hedgewars ( experimental; urgency=low
      * Using the system libphysfs library
      * debian/control:
        - added libphysfs-dev as build-dep
        - depend on fonts-dejavu-core instead of ttf-dejavu-core
          since it is smaller
      * Adding font paths to debian/rules, dropping
      * Now debian/copyright is in a Machine-Readable form
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Fixed many copyright issues
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream tarball, upload to unstable
      * Simplified debian/rules, by removing override_dh_install
      * debian/control, reorganized and dropped some useless build-deps
        taken from upstream wiki build page
     -- Felix Geyer <email address hidden>   Thu, 01 Jan 2015 13:14:32 +0100
  • hedgewars ( precise-backports; urgency=low
      * No-change backport to precise (LP: #1267563)
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream tarball, upload to unstable
      * Simplified debian/rules, by removing override_dh_install
      * debian/control, reorganized and dropped some useless build-deps
        taken from upstream wiki build page
    hedgewars ( experimental; urgency=low
      * Removed fPIC support on fpc, fixing build failures
        in arm* and sparc platforms
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream minor release, suitable for unstable
    hedgewars (0.9.20-2) experimental; urgency=low
      * Building without parallel support
    hedgewars (0.9.20-1) experimental; urgency=low
      * New upstream release (lp: #1264606)
        - new Mission Campaign: A Space Adventure!
          (thanks to Master_ex for working on it!)
        - Shapes on drawn maps
        - New rubber utility
        - A polished Graphical user interface
        - AFK mode. (Press p when not your turn online
          to trigger autoskip of your turn.)
        - Visual enhancements for whip and crosshair
        - New hats
        - New voice pack (Russian)
        - Map edges can wrap or bounce.
        - Password protected rooms
        - Translation updates
        - Many, many, many bugfixes.
        - And much more (see ChangeLog.txt)
      * Switch to debhelper
    hedgewars ( experimental; urgency=low
      * Upload to experimental
      * debian/rules
        - no linking of is needed anymore
        - simplified some target
      * debian/control
        - Bumped standard version to 3.9.5, no changes required.
        - moved libpng12-dev to libpng-dev.
        - VCS-Git and VCS-Browser are now in a canonical form
        - extended hedgewars-data description
      * debian/copyright
        - fixed copyright symbol usage
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream tarball.
        - Addressed some more bugs and linking failures.
        - Dropped fix-physfs.patch accepted upstream.
     -- Felix Geyer <email address hidden>   Fri, 10 Jan 2014 18:14:02 +0100
  • hedgewars ( precise-backports; urgency=low
      * No-change backport to precise (LP: #1191816)
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream tarball.
        - Addressed some more bugs and linking failures.
        - Dropped fix-physfs.patch accepted upstream.
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/control
        - Changed package description
        - added fix-physfs.patch
          this basically reverts the problem with i386 machines
          see upstream issue 665.
          Revert upstream commit 3883b5dc600c
    hedgewars ( unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream tarball.
    hedgewars (0.9.19-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream version.
        + New theme: Fruit
        + Cool New Weapons: Freezer
        + We've improved your existing arsenal, too! The 'size' of cleaver has been
          reduced, so now it's more likely to cut into hogs instead of imbedding
          itself infuriatingly into the ground. The Flying Saucer has also seen some
          interesting changes...
        + Death comes from below!
          It's time to take your amphibious assault to the next level.
          While using the Flying Saucer, it's now possible to launch projectiles
          from underwater!
          Also, instead of just dropping bombs on your enemies you can aim
          them, too! Wow!
        + Improved AI
          The newly improved AI can use drill-rockets!
        + New Gameplay Challenges
          A frenetic, awesome new gameplay mode: Frenzy! In this mode each turn
          lasts only one second.
        + An extra mission: Nobody Laugh.
        + More Achievements: 'Prestigious Pilot' and 'Naughty Ninja' have been added
          to the old missions. Have fun trying to unlock them.
        + A new weaponset, One of Everything.
        + New Maps
          Fight on a variety of new battlegrounds!
          New entries include Bones, Crystal, Grassy, Haunty, Oaks,
          Shrooms and Tentacles!
        + More customization!
          Over 30 new hats!
          New SteelTower fort!
        + Ropers Rejoice
          Now you can play on an 'infinite' number of procedurally generated maps,
          thanks to the new Shoppa Map script.
        + Much improvements in the behavior of rope in 0.9.18.
      * Dropped patch for ghc 7.6 build failure.
      * Added libghc-random-dev as build-dep.
      * Tweaking install files, some file location has changed.
    hedgewars (0.9.18-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Gianfranco Costamagna ]
      * Added myself and unera to uploaders, with unera's permission.
      * Added Debian Games Team to Maintainer and removed from uploaders.
      * Bumped compat version to 9.
      * Added some deps and build-deps on control file.
      * Removed some check in control file (higher versions
        already in oldstable)
      * Enabled hardening flags.
      * Fixed armhf and powerpc build failure with libc 2.17
        with Felix Geyer's help. (LP: #1179850)
      [ Felix Geyer ]
      * Drop build-dependency on libghc-binary-dev and libghc-deepseq-dev as
        they are just virtual packages provided by ghc.
    hedgewars (0.9.18-0.3) experimental; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      [ Felix Geyer ]
      * Add missing dependency on freeglut3. (LP: #1171825)
      [ Colin Watson ]
      * Build-depend on ghc and libghc-* rather than the transitional ghc6 and
        libghc6-*. (Closes: #705125)
      [ Gianfranco Costamagna ]
      * Updated debian/rules file, the SERVER disable string has changed.
     -- Felix Geyer <email address hidden>   Fri, 21 Jun 2013 17:57:15 +0200
  • hedgewars (0.9.18-0.2ubuntu1.1~ubuntu12.04.1) precise-backports; urgency=low
      * No-change backport to precise (LP: #1132787)
    hedgewars (0.9.18-0.2ubuntu1.1) raring-proposed; urgency=low
      * Add missing dependency on freeglut3. It's needed to start playing a game.
        (LP: #1171825)
    hedgewars (0.9.18-0.2ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
      * Build-depend on ghc and libghc-* rather than the transitional ghc6 and
    hedgewars (0.9.18-0.2) experimental; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload
      * Added patch from upstream to fix a FTBFS with haskell 7.6
    hedgewars (0.9.18-0.1) experimental; urgency=low
      * Non-maintainer upload
      * New upstream version (Closes: #691986 LP: #1073730)
        + Built using the -3 upstream tarball hedgewars-src-0.9.18-3.tar.bz2
      * Bumped standards version to 3.9.4
      * Added some external build-dependencies
     -- Felix Geyer <email address hidden>   Fri, 10 May 2013 18:21:13 +0200
  • hedgewars (0.9.17-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * [Paul Wise]
       * Mention the homing bee in the package description (Closes: #577092)
       * Also install the hwengine desktop file (LP: #811770)
       * Depend on ttf-dejavu-core since it is smaller
       * Depend on ttf-wqy-zenhei instead of embedding a copy of it
      * [Dmitry E. Oboukhov]
       * New upstream version.
     -- Dmitry E. Oboukhov <email address hidden>  Sun, 20 Nov 2011 18:31:17 +0400
  • hedgewars (0.9.16-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream version.
       + Downloadable content! Simply click to install any content.
         New voices, hats, maps, themes, translations, music, scripts...
         Hedgewars is now more customisable than ever before! As time goes
         by we will be soliciting community content to feature on this page,
         so remember to check it from time to time. If you decide you want
         to go back to standard Hedgewars, just remove the Data directory
         from your Hedgewars config directory.
       + 3-D rendering! Diorama-like rendering of the game in a variety
         of 3D modes. Let us know which ones work best for you, we didn't
         really have the equipment to test them all.
       + Resizable game window.
       + New utilities! The Time Box will remove one of your hedgehogs
         from the game for a while, protecting from attack until it returns,
         somewhere else on the map. Land spray will allow you to build bridges,
         seal up holes, or just make life unpleasant for your enemies.
       + New single player: Bamboo Thicket, That Sinking Feeling, Newton and
         the Tree and multi-player: The Specialists, Space Invaders,
         Racer - scripts! And a ton more script hooks for scripters
       + New twists on old weapons. Drill strike, seduction and fire have
         been adjusted. Defective mines have been added, rope can attach to
         hogs/crates/barrels again, grenades now have variable bounce (use
         precise key + 1-5). Portal gun is now more usable in flight and
         all game actions are a lot faster.
       + New theme - Golf, dozens of new community hats and a new
         localised Default voice, Ukranian.
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Mon,  17 Oct 2011 10:58:23 +0000
  • hedgewars (0.9.15-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Exclude buggy icnsutils from B-D.
    hedgewars (0.9.15-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fixed hicolor icons path. 
    hedgewars (0.9.15-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Fixed depends (FTBFS, closes: #629778), closed fake bug (closes: #631152).
      * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2.
      * Install hicolor icons, closes: #621792,
        thanks to Kees Cook <email address hidden>.
     -- Micah Gersten <email address hidden>   Tue,  12 Jul 2011 14:20:05 +0000