Change logs for openarena-data source package in Oneiric

  • openarena-data (0.8.5split-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Apply patch from Ubuntu to fix linking with more recent ld    (Closes: #629893, LP: #794941)  * Don't build qvmbrute unless we actually need to replace QVM files in    this particular package (only -data, -misc and -085-data actually need it)  * Move the split version of openarena-data to unstable -- Simon McVittie <email address hidden>  Tue, 12 Jul 2011 08:42:08 +0100
  • openarena-data (0.8.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Encode a search prefix into the fake QVM files so we can load different
        native code; OA 0.8.1 and 0.8.5 turn out not to be network-compatible.
        (When combined with changes to openarena, this will close #592965)
     -- Gerfried Fuchs <email address hidden>   Mon,  06 Sep 2010 11:31:16 +0100