diffoscope 211 (amd64 binary) in ubuntu kinetic

 diffoscope is a visual diff tool that attempts try to get to the bottom of
 what makes files or directories actually different.
 It can recursively unpack archives of many kinds, transforming various binary
 formats into more human-readable form to compare them in a human-readable way.
 It can compare two tarballs, ISO images or PDFs just as easily. The
 differences can be displayed on the console or in a HTML report.
 This is a dependency package that recommends the full set of external tools,
 to support as many type of files as possible.
 File formats supported include: Android APK files, Android boot images, Apple
 Xcode mobile provisioning files, ar(1) archives, ASM Function, Berkeley DB
 database files, bzip2 archives, character/block devices, ColorSync colour
 profiles (.icc), Coreboot CBFS filesystem images, cpio archives, Dalvik .dex
 files, Debian .buildinfo files, Debian .changes files, Debian source packages
 (.dsc), Device Tree Compiler blob files, directories, ELF binaries,
 ext2/ext3/ext4/btrfs/fat filesystems, Flattened Image Tree blob files,
 FreeDesktop Fontconfig cache files, FreePascal files (.ppu), Gettext message
 catalogues, GHC Haskell .hi files, GIF image files, Git repositories, GNU R
 database files (.rdb), GNU R Rscript files (.rds), Gnumeric spreadsheets, GPG
 keybox databases, Gzipped files, Hierarchical Data Format database, ISO 9660 CD
 images, Java .class files, Java .jmod modules, JavaScript files, JPEG images,
 JSON files, LLVM IR bitcode files, local (UNIX domain) sockets and named pipes
 (FIFOs), LZ4 compressed files, macOS binaries, Microsoft Windows icon files,
 Microsoft Word .docx files, Mono 'Portable Executable' files, Mozilla-optimized
 ZIP archives, Multimedia metadata, OCaml interface files, Ogg Vorbis audio
 files, OpenOffice .odt files, OpenSSH public keys, OpenWRT package archives
 (.ipk), PDF documents, PE32 files, PGP signatures, PGP signed/encrypted
 messages, PNG images, PostScript documents, Public Key Cryptography Standards
 (PKCS) files (version #7), Python .pyc files, RPM archives, Rust object files
 (.deflate), Sphinx inventory files, SQLite databases, SquashFS filesystems,
 symlinks, tape archives (.tar), tcpdump capture files (.pcap), text files,
 TrueType font files, U-Boot legacy image files, WebAssembly binary module, XML
 binary schemas (.xsb), XML files, XMLB files, XZ compressed files, ZIP archives
 and Zstandard compressed files.
 diffoscope is developed as part of the Reproducible Builds project.


Package version:
diffoscope 211 source package in Ubuntu

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