Change logs for boo source package in Intrepid

  • boo ( unstable; urgency=high
      * debian/libboo2.0-cil.install
        + Added missing Boo.Lang.Extensions.dll library.
          (caused FTBFS for monodevelop-boo, thus urgency set to high,
           Closes: #467600)
    boo ( unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release
      * Strip binaries for .orig.tar.gz
    boo ( unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/control:
        + Added Homepage, Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser fields.
        + Moved libboo2.0-cil to libs section.
     -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Fri,  02 May 2008 01:53:40 +0100
  • boo ( unstable; urgency=low
      * Rebuild against cli-common-dev 0.5.6 to fix postrm script, which let
        removing of the package fail. (Closes: #459975)
      * debian/control:
        + Added myself to uploaders.
        + Added replaces field for smooth boo upgrades. (Closes: #460018)
        + Updated cli-common-dev build-dependency to >= 0.5.6
        + Updated debhelper build-dependency to >= 5
        + Added dpatch to build-dependencies.
        + Removed manual dependencies on cli-virtual-machine, dh_clideps takes
          care of that.
        + Changed mono-mcs build-dependency to mono-gmcs, as boo is now targeting
          the CLI 2.0 runtime.
      * debian/compat:
        + Bumped to 5.
      * debian/rules:
        + Use dh_clifixperms instead of chmod calls.
        + Use dh_clistrip to manage debug symbols.
        + Pass -D:skip.vs2005=false to nant, instead of patching
        + Rename boo.pc to boo-2.0.pc, instead of patching
      * debian/libboo2.0-cil.install:
        + Install CLI libraries to /usr/lib/cli/boo-2.0 as required by the
          Debian CLI policy.
        + Install .mdb files too and let dh_clistrip handle it.
      * debian/libboo2.0-cil.cligacpolicy:
        + Added generation of policy files for Boo.Lang.CodeDom and Boo.Lang.Useful
          to maintain ABI compatibility of those, as we installed 1.0 versions in
          the GAC in older package versions. (Closes: #458835)
      * debian/patches/ (Closes: #458834)
        + Updates file locations, instead of patching upstream sources in .diff.gz.
      * debian/install
        + Renamed install to boo.install, examples to boo.examples and manpages to
          boo.manpages, as we ship different binary packages now.
          boo now depends on libboo2.0-cil auto-detected by dh_clideps.
          (Closes: #460088)
      * debian/watch:
        + Updated.
    boo ( unstable; urgency=low
      * change Maintainer to <email address hidden>
        and add myself to Uploaders.
      * use dh_cligacpolicy to generate policy files.
      * install boo libs to /usr/lib/boo-2.0 rather than /usr/lib/boo
    boo ( unstable; urgency=low
      * add policy files for Boo.Lang dlls so packages linked against continue to run. (Closes: #458835)
    boo ( unstable; urgency=low
      * split packing into boo and libboo2.0-cil since we install
        libraries in the GAC and therefor must use a versioned package
      * create boo-2.0.pc with boo.pc link (Closes: #458834)
      * use dh_installcligac to install libraries in the GAC during
    boo ( unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release. Closes: #454066
      * build-depend on mono-1.0-devel. Closes: #458651
      * expact CIL acronym in descrition. Closes: #450964
      * add dependency on cli-virtual-machine. Closes: #317710
    boo ( unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release
     -- StefanPotyra <email address hidden>   Wed,  13 Feb 2008 18:34:21 +0000