Change logs for liboggz source package in Groovy

  • liboggz (1.1.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload
      [ Ondřej Nový ]
      * d/control: Removing redundant Priority field in binary package
      * d/changelog: Remove trailing whitespaces
      * d/control: Set Vcs-* to
      [ Florian Schlichting ]
      * Set Maintainer address to Debian Multimedia Maintainers (closes: #899586)
      * Use secure URIs for
      * Update d/copyright to copyright-format 1.0
      * Bump dh compat to level 12
      * Enable all hardening build flags
      * Mark html and latex docs, as well as, as not-installed
      * Transition to automatic dbgsym package
      * Add Build-Depends-Package field to symbols file
      * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.3.0
      * Drop autoreconf from dh call, obsolete at this compat level
      * Override lintian error license-problem-non-free-RFC: these files are not
        actually RFCs (but quote the RFC license text)
     -- Florian Schlichting <email address hidden>  Mon, 25 Feb 2019 00:33:34 +0100