Change logs for gtk+3.0 source package in Focal

  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.20-0ubuntu1.1) focal; urgency=medium
      * debian/patches/git_rendering_issues.patch:
        - cherry pick an upstream fix for opengl display issues when using
          software rendering (lp: #1960947)
      * debian/patches/git_newglib_symbols.patch:
        - backport patch to fix the build with the current libglib version
     -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Tue, 15 Feb 2022 18:50:52 +0100
  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.20-0ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
      * New stable version (lp: #1877590)
     -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Fri, 08 May 2020 16:37:10 +0200
  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.18-1ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
      * Update to the current stable version (based on Debian) (lp: #1873038)
     -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Thu, 16 Apr 2020 11:23:10 +0200
  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.17-3ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
      * Update to the current stable version (based on Debian)
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.17-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload
      * Update to upstream gtk-3-24 branch, commit 3.24.17-22-g99bae0fb5f
        (effectively a release-candidate for 3.24.18)
        - Fix even more Wayland window-sizing regressions
          (Closes: #955820, we hope)
      * d/p/wayland-don-t-call-gdk_wayland_window_configure-without-v.patch:
        Drop patch, superseded by other upstream fixes.
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.17-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload
      * d/p/Do-not-require-an-initial-configure-for-custom-Wayland-su.patch,
        Apply patches from upstream gtk-3-24 branch to fix some Wayland
        window-sizing regressions (partially resolves: #955820)
      * d/p/wayland-don-t-call-gdk_wayland_window_configure-without-v.patch:
        Apply a patch proposed upstream to fix additional Wayland window-sizing
        regressions (hopefully resolves the rest of #955820)
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.17-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload
      * New upstream release
        - Fix some regressions in 3.24.16
        - When using the "simple" input method context, load the same compose
          sequences for Wayland as for X11 (in order of preference:
          $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/Compose, ~/.XCompose, or a language-specific
          system-wide compose file for el_GR, fi_FI or pt_BR)
      * d/p/supp-Use-a-single-suppressions-file-for-lib-lib64-and-mul.patch:
        Drop, applied upstream
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.16-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload
      * New upstream release
      * Drop patches that came from upstream
      * d/p/supp-Use-a-single-suppressions-file-for-lib-lib64-and-mul.patch:
        Add patch to make valgrind suppressions match Debian libraries
      * Update forwarding status for some patches that were sent upstream
      * d/p/Don-t-test-default-constructed-GdkPixbuf-properties.patch:
        Drop patch. Build-depend on gdk-pixbuf 2.40 instead of working around
        a bug in older versions.
      * d/rules: Mark some reftests as allowed to fail.
        These reftests are sensitive to the build environment (exact versions
        of Pango, fonts etc.) and are disabled in upstream's CI.
        (Closes: #954584)
      * d/p/updateiconcache-Sort-list-of-entries.patch:
        Backport patch from GTK 4 to make the icon cache reproducible
        (Closes: #953105)
      * d/p/build-Generate-gdk.gresource.xml-in-sorted-order.patch:
        Sort GDK resources to improve reproducibility.
        The combination of this and fixing #953105 should hopefully make the
        package reliably reproducible.
      * d/README.source: Write down how to inspect reftest failures
     -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Wed, 08 Apr 2020 11:31:09 +0200
  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.14-1ubuntu2) focal; urgency=medium
      * Mark testsuite/reftests/flipping-icons.ui as a known failure, to fix FTBFS
        on all archs.
     -- William Grant <email address hidden>  Mon, 06 Apr 2020 10:07:02 +1000
  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.14-1ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
      * Merge with Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
        + Install a settings.ini file to set our themes
        + Update debian/libgtk-3-0.symbols
        + debian/ and debian/tests/control (installed-tests):
          - Build-depend on adwaita-icon-theme-full for icon name check test
        + debian/ Build-Depend on dh-sequence-translations
        + Ubuntu-specific patches:
          - 073_treeview_almost_fixed.patch
          - bzg_gtkcellrenderer_grabbing_modifier.patch
          - ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
          - print-dialog-show-options-of-remote-dnssd-printers.patch
          - uimanager-guard-against-nested-node-updates.patch
          - x-canonical-accel.patch
          - message-dialog-restore-traditional-look-on-unity.patch
          - 0001-gtk-reftest-Force-icon-theme-to-Adwaita.patch
          - 0001-calendar-always-emit-day-selected-once.patch
          - 0001-gtkwindow-set-transparent-background-color.patch
          - unity-border-radius.patch
          - unity-headerbar-maximized-mode.patch
        + debian/rules:
          - stop using --disable-mir-backend since that option has been
            deprecated as the same time than the mir backend
          - Skip some reftests which have been broken by pango1.0. See:
   - this change can
            be reverted once that bug is fixed.
      * Refresh Ubuntu-specific patches for the new release.
     -- Dmitry Shachnev <email address hidden>  Sun, 08 Mar 2020 15:04:40 +0300
  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.13-1ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
      * Merge with Debian. Remaining changes:
        + Install a settings.ini file to set our themes
        + Update debian/libgtk-3-0.symbols
        + debian/ and debian/tests/control (installed-tests):
          - Build-depend on adwaita-icon-theme-full for icon name check test
        + debian/ Build-Depend on dh-sequence-translations
        + Ubuntu-specific patches:
          - 073_treeview_almost_fixed.patch
          - bzg_gtkcellrenderer_grabbing_modifier.patch
          - ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
          - print-dialog-show-options-of-remote-dnssd-printers.patch
          - uimanager-guard-against-nested-node-updates.patch
          - x-canonical-accel.patch
          - message-dialog-restore-traditional-look-on-unity.patch
          - 0001-gtk-reftest-Force-icon-theme-to-Adwaita.patch
          - restore_filechooser_typeaheadfind.patch
          - 0001-calendar-always-emit-day-selected-once.patch
          - 0001-gtkwindow-set-transparent-background-color.patch
          - unity-border-radius.patch
          - unity-headerbar-maximized-mode.patch
       * debian/rules:
         - stop using --disable-mir-backend since that option has been
           deprecated as the same time than the mir backend
      * rules: Skip some reftests which have been broken by pango1.0. These
        reftests are already broken in Ubuntu since we updated to pango1.0 1.44.
        See: - this change can be
        reverted once that bug is fixed.
    gtk+3.0 (3.24.13-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      [ Simon McVittie ]
      * Move gtk-encode-symbolic-svg from gtk-3-examples to libgtk-3-bin.
        It's more of a development tool than an example.
      [ Iain Lane ]
      * New upstream release
        + listbox: Fix header row reuse
        + wayland: Fix handling of tablets
        + theme:
          - Adwaita: Fix menu rounding
          - Adwaita: Various improvements for the Emoji chooser
          - Adwaita: Refresh check and radio buttons
          - HighContrast: Fix entry colors
        + input:
          - Properly handle bubbling of scroll events
          - Handle modifier key events properly
          - Run key controllers in the bubble phase
          - Do not use VIQR for Vietnamese by default
        + statusicons: Render sharply on hi-dpi
        + wayland: Fix handling of selection ownership
        + broadway: Fix (lack of) clipboard handling
      * Rebase patches
        - Drop 022_disable-viqr-im-for-vi-locale.patch, upstream
     -- Iain Lane <email address hidden>  Tue, 10 Dec 2019 09:30:22 +0000
  • gtk+3.0 (3.24.12-1ubuntu1) eoan; urgency=medium
      * Merge with Debian. Remaining changes:
        + Install a settings.ini file to set our themes
        + Update debian/libgtk-3-0.symbols
        + debian/ and debian/tests/control (installed-tests):
          - Build-depend on adwaita-icon-theme-full for icon name check test
        + debian/ Build-Depend on dh-sequence-translations
        + Ubuntu-specific patches:
          - 073_treeview_almost_fixed.patch
          - bzg_gtkcellrenderer_grabbing_modifier.patch
          - ubuntu_gtk_custom_menu_items.patch
          - print-dialog-show-options-of-remote-dnssd-printers.patch
          - uimanager-guard-against-nested-node-updates.patch
          - x-canonical-accel.patch
          - message-dialog-restore-traditional-look-on-unity.patch
          - 0001-gtk-reftest-Force-icon-theme-to-Adwaita.patch
          - restore_filechooser_typeaheadfind.patch
          - 0001-calendar-always-emit-day-selected-once.patch
          - 0001-gtkwindow-set-transparent-background-color.patch
          - unity-border-radius.patch
          - unity-headerbar-maximized-mode.patch
       * debian/rules:
         - stop using --disable-mir-backend since that option has been
           deprecated as the same time than the mir backend
     -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Mon, 07 Oct 2019 13:40:02 +0200