Change logs for gnome-online-accounts source package in Cosmic

  • gnome-online-accounts (3.30.0-1ubuntu1) cosmic; urgency=medium
      * Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #1790458). Remaining changes:
        + debian/rules:
          - Make sure that gnome-online-accounts.pot is refreshed so the
            strings from 0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch are included (LP: #1759251).
          - Build with --enable-ubuntu-sso
        + debian/control.*:
          - Add b-d on libsnapd-glib-dev
          - depends on python3 and python3-macaroonbakery for the ubuntu sso
        + debian/gbp.conf:
          - Set the upstream branch to upstream/latest.
        + debian/gnome-online-accounts.install:
          install usr/share/goa-1.0/scripts/
        + debian/libgoa-backend-1.0-1.symbols:
          Add goa_ubuntu_sso_provider_get_type
        + debian/source/include-binaries:
          Add debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-Single-Sign-on-icons.patch to properly
          deal with new binary images.
        + Ubuntu-specific patches:
          - debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-Single-Sign-on-icons.patch
          - debian/patches/0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch
          - debian/patches/0002-livepatch-auth.patch
      * debian/patches/0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch:
      * debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-Single-Sign-on-icons.patch:
        - Split the patch in order to separate the binary files from the non-binary
    gnome-online-accounts (3.30.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release
      * Release to unstable
     -- Andrea Azzarone <email address hidden>  Mon, 03 Sep 2018 10:35:24 +0200
  • gnome-online-accounts (3.29.91-1ubuntu2) cosmic; urgency=medium
      * debian/control*:
        - Bump libsnapd-glib-dev to (>= 1.43).
      * debian/patches/0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch:
          to understand if Polkit dialog was dimissed by the user.
     -- Andrea Azzarone <email address hidden>  Fri, 24 Aug 2018 11:49:17 +0200
  • gnome-online-accounts (3.29.91-1ubuntu1) cosmic; urgency=medium
      * Merge from Debian experimental (LP: #1788130). Remaining changes:
        + debian/rules:
          - Make sure that gnome-online-accounts.pot is refreshed so the
            strings from 0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch are included (LP: #1759251).
          - Build with --enable-ubuntu-sso
        + debian/control.*:
          - Add b-d on libsnapd-glib-dev
          - depends on python3 and python3-macaroonbakery for the ubuntu sso
        + debian/gbp.conf:
          - Set the upstream branch to upstream/latest.
        + debian/gnome-online-accounts.install:
          install usr/share/goa-1.0/scripts/
        + debian/libgoa-backend-1.0-1.symbols:
          Add goa_ubuntu_sso_provider_get_type
        + debian/source/include-binaries:
          Add debian/patches/0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch to properly deal with
          new binary images.
        + Ubuntu-specific patches:
          - debian/patches/0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch
          - debian/patches/0002-livepatch-auth
    gnome-online-accounts (3.29.91-1) experimental; urgency=medium
      * Team upload
      * d/watch: Watch for development versions
      * New upstream development release
        - Fixes buildability with GLib 2.57.x
      * Enable documentation so that the man page will be built
      * d/libgoa-backend-1.0-1.symbols: Ignore removal of private symbols
        (not referenced by any other Debian package)
      * Set Rules-Requires-Root to no
      * Bump Standards-Version to 4.2.0
     -- Andrea Azzarone <email address hidden>  Wed, 22 Aug 2018 15:03:00 +0200
  • gnome-online-accounts (3.28.0-0ubuntu3) cosmic; urgency=medium
      * debian/patches/0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch: Add a link to the
        link to the privacy policy in U1 login dialog (LP: #1773213).
      * debian/patches/0002-livepatch-auth: Refresh patch.
     -- Andrea Azzarone <email address hidden>  Fri, 25 May 2018 09:04:11 -0500
  • gnome-online-accounts (3.28.0-0ubuntu2) bionic; urgency=medium
      * debian/patches/0002-livepatch-auth: Don't show an error message if the
        polkit authentication dialog is dimissed by the user (LP: #1764989).
     -- Andrea Azzarone <email address hidden>  Wed, 18 Apr 2018 16:52:39 +0200