run-time error 429 activex component cant create object

Asked by Bill Jankovic

I used wine to install the exe files which seemed to work. Now when i try to open the desktop icon of the installed program I get run-time error 429 activex component can't create object .... how can I get this problem solved. I am not a computer programmer or a rocket scientist nor do I understand all the "computer language, jargon, extensions etc, etc". So far I have searched the internet for answers for the last 2 days with No Answers. There appear to be a multitude of answers for windows platforms but nothing that makes any sense whatsoever in plain language for ubuntu 8.04LTS.
Thanks for your help.

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marcus aurelius (adbiz) said :

the developers of wine are in the process of incorporating activex into wine.
what program are you trying to run? maybe there's a linux version available.

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Bill Jankovic (diamond-media) said :

Thanks for your reply.... I remember reading somewhere that activex is already in wine ... not sure if that's true or not .... The program I'm trying to run is called 'mass blog pinger' and it's very new although it is only a simple program I doubt that there's a linux version available. Maybe I will just go back to windows .... less headaches than with linux....
Thanks again for trying.

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mycae (mycae) said :

Sooo, its a spam program? We are not going to help you.

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Bill Jankovic (diamond-media) said :

mycae ... wrote: Sooo, its a spam program? We are not going to help you. My reply: Its a what .... How on earth would you know that .... from the name ? Two things.... 1... I have just bought some legitimate software that has NOTHING at ALL to do with spamming anybody for anything at anytime .. period ! and 2 ... I had exactly the same issues with an Australian Tax Office download program to do my personal tax return on line .... the same error occurred on that ..... I suppose your answer to that would be .... it's a spamming program too ..... Look .... it's Blatantly obvious that Nobody here has Any idea whatsoever on fixing these problems. So accusing somebody of innuendo saves somebody time in actually having to work out a solution.
It's funny ... apparently Linux is supposed to be better but looking through the posts both here and all over the internet I AM NOT THE FIRST PERSON THAT HAS ENCOUNTERED THIS ISSUE .... it has happened many, many times before ..... with NO Fix !!!! You have got to be kidding me. I am a audio visual producer. Primarily I work with Premier Pro (no it does not spam) to edit content into film clips, news programs and television commercials. To this day Nobody has even come close to figuring out how After Effects or Premier Pro can be used with Linux. Ohhh wait ... maybe it has something to do with subliminal messages .... hmmm now theres a thought. The real reason that I or anybody else with this problem is not getting any help is: There isn't Anybody out there that has a Clue how to fix this .... so they start babbling on in techie terms and computer language and all that does is confuse people ...... It STILL doesn't actually fix anything. When I do a production for anybody I keep my language with them Simple so they can understand me. They don't need to get bogged down with technical terms like 16:9 or 4:3 or vertical/ horizontal resolutions or avi, mpeg, dv, dvcpro, betacam sx blah,blah, blah ..... they just need a real person to help them. I throughly enjoy helping people that is why I get involved with doing things for charities, schools, hospitals etc, etc .... for free in my own time .... When I work for TV then I get paid and even then I Always give more than expected ... always..... By the way mycae I think you're barking up the wrong tree ... the world does not need anymore financially challenged people ... there's plenty out there and if you really want to do something about spamming then just look at some of the ads in your newspapers or TV and realize that it's the usually the banks and some governments who are spamming and they're Not using the internet do do it with either .... do something useful and get out and try to stop all that misinformation by these people getting out because it's really hurting some good people ..... Thank you All for your time and may you be blessed in health, wealth and happiness ..... BILL

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mycae (mycae) said :

Yes, from the name, I plugged it into google and found some black hat sites. If people are doing black hat stuff, thats OK, but I can't help.

If you have a different problem (not wine related), then I am happy to help you.

For your information, no, I am not paid to do this.

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Bill Jankovic (diamond-media) said :

I see ..... Thanks for trying .... I believe in God and in karma and whatever we sow we shall reap .... I certainly do not wish to sow anything bad on anybody ..... Since you yourself are here giving up your own time and trying to help others .... then Good things shall come to you because you are giving first and you are not expecting anything in return .... that is noble .... and good.
As for my problem .... well I'm still running Premier Pro on my other computer with windows xp and because it's not on the internet it's working OK ... Maybe one day somebody will find a way that the programs can be used with Linux and then I can finally rid myself of Microsoft and all the nightmares associated with that.... Happy New Year to you and your family and to everybody here ... BILL

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Bill Jankovic (diamond-media) said :

I've tried to uninstall wine 1.2 and install wine 1.3 .... it seems even though it appears that I've uninstalled the earlier version when the new version was apparently installed .... nothing happened .... it simply went back to 1.2 and the problem still persists....

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Launchpad Janitor (janitor) said :

This question was expired because it remained in the 'Open' state without activity for the last 15 days.