unable to install vlc

Asked by narendra

I have downloaded vlc file from rpmfind.org but when I click on the vlc file then it gives the error message "dependancy not satisfied" , now tell me the site from where I can download the packages to satisfy these dependancy...

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

ok 2 things wrong here

1. RPM is NOT for ubuntu. Ubuntu uses .debs so RPMs are notsuitable
2. Why don't you simply run:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install vlc

That will install it (and anyrequired dependancies) from the official repositories. In ubuntu it is VERY rare to actually download stuff to install and repositories are advised.

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Rob Frerejean (hffrerejean) said :

Have a look here for more information.



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Tom (tom6) said :

Hi :)

You might like this link for looking up better ways of working in linux.

The old Windows ways are inherently flawed. For example randomly hunting around for a website for a program such as "ThisIsVlcHonest" and then switching off your firewall and antivirus in order to install programs such as "ImNotAVirusHonest" is probably one of the main reasons why Windows world has such a huge problem with security and malware issues. In linux we try to stick with programs that have been tweaked to work better with our particular version of linux (our distro, in this case Ubuntu).

For an even easier way of installing progrms go up to the top taskbar and click on
Applications - Add/Remove Applications
but i prefer Synaptic Package Manager
Note that both these gui apps use the command-line tool that ActionParsnip showed in order to do the real wok but using a gui makes it easier to see and understand what's going on imo.

Sorry you might feel you have encountered apparent hostility here. It's mostly that some of us get annoyed about the stupid ways we used to have to do things in Windows. lol

It is good to see someone new join the linux community :)

Welcome in, regards from
Tom :)

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Play mp3 and dvd under Ubuntu install skype googleearth acroread and other stuffs using Medibuntu

First please install https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats

You need to have extra repositories enabled..

Please first enable the universe and multiverse repository:

Open System → Administration → Software sources → [ Tab Ubuntu software ]

enable "Community-maintained Open Source software ( universe )"
enable "Proprietary drivers for devices ( restricted )"
enable "Software restrictecd by copyright or legal issue ( multiverse )"

Close and confirm the repository reload.

Then open a Terminal from the menu Applications→Accessories→Terminal

Tip: right click with mouse on the terminal title caption and select the item "Always on Top" doing this you will force the terminal window to stay on top of the other windows and you will find very easy to copy single row from this web page into the terminal...
Something more about using the terminal https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal

Then type or better copy and paste a row a time then press enter:
(Tip: select the single row to copy then right click into the terminal and to quick paste click with middle button of mouse )

and type or better copy and paste:

sudo aptitude install vlc smplayer mplayer

To get better dvd playback and optional packages here the medibuntu available software list http://packages.medibuntu.org/
you need to add the medibuntu http://www.medibuntu.org/ repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:
( here the medibuntu howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu but see below )

In short please open a Terminal from the menu Applications → Accessories → Terminal and type or copy and paste:

sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/`lsb_release -cs`.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list; sudo apt-get -q update; sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring; sudo apt-get -q update

-- give your user password when requested, you don't see nothing when you type it, then press enter

Now to install, type:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras libxine1-ffmpeg
sudo aptitude install libdvdread3 libdvdnav4 libdvdcss2 regionset gnome-mplayer
sudo aptitude install non-free-codecs w32codecs
sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse

give your user password when requested, you don't see nothing when you type it, then press enter.

You can also install other Medibuntu repository provided optional software http://packages.medibuntu.org/ :

sudo apt-get install skype
sudo apt-get install googleearth
sudo apt-get install acroread

Hope this helps

Revision history for this message
Tom (tom6) said :

Ahhh, yes it probably is a good idea to work through all the steps in this worksheet, except the optional step
just to make sure you have got everything sorted out for multimedia.

Sorry i forgot that earlier!
Regards from
Tom :)

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