Unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade

Asked by NEMO

Hi All

I have been trying for a few days now to upgrade from, Ubuntu Version: 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) to Ubuntu Version: 8.04 LTS Hardy Heron. However when I use the Graphic Version of Update manager it simply freezes, however when I try it in terminal using: sudo do-release-upgrade -d, I get the following but still no possibility to upgrade:


sudo do-release-upgrade -d
[sudo] password for nemo:
Checking for a new ubuntu release
Done Upgrade tool signature
Done Upgrade tool
Done downloading
extracting '/tmp/tmpqGmmdJ/hardy.tar.gz'
authenticate '/tmp/tmpqGmmdJ/hardy.tar.gz' against '/tmp/tmpqGmmdJ/hardy.tar.gz.gpg'

Reading cache

Checking package manager
Reading package lists: Done
Reading state information: Done
Reading state information: Done
Reading state information: Done
Done http://archive.canonical.com gutsy Release.gpg
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy Release.gpg
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates Release.gpg
Done http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security Release.gpg
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-backports Release.gpg
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed Release.gpg
Hit http://archive.canonical.com gutsy Release
Hit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy Release
Hit http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security Release
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-backports Release
Done http://archive.canonical.com gutsy Release
Hit http://archive.canonical.com gutsy/partner Packages
Ignored http://ftp.osuosl.org gutsy/ Release.gpg
Failed http://ftp.osuosl.org gutsy/ Release.gpg
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy Release
Hit http://archive.canonical.com gutsy/partner Sources
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates Release
Done http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security Release
Ignored http://ftp.osuosl.org gutsy/ Release
Failed http://ftp.osuosl.org gutsy/ Release
Done http://www.getautomatix.com gutsy Release.gpg
Hit http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security/main Packages
Hit http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security/restricted Packages
Hit http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security/universe Packages
Hit http://security.ubuntu.com gutsy-security/multiverse Packages
Ignored http://getswiftfox.com unstable Release.gpg
Failed http://getswiftfox.com unstable Release.gpg
Ignored http://ftp.osuosl.org gutsy/ Packages
Failed http://ftp.osuosl.org gutsy/ Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed Release
Hit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/main Packages
Hit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/restricted Packages
Hit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Packages
Hit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/multiverse Packages
Hit http://ftp.osuosl.org gutsy/ Packages
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-backports Release
Done http://www.getautomatix.com gutsy Release
Ignored http://getswiftfox.com unstable Release
Failed http://getswiftfox.com unstable Release
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates Release
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-backports/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed Release
Ignored http://getswiftfox.com unstable/non-free Packages
Failed http://getswiftfox.com unstable/non-free Packages
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-backports/restricted Packages
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-backports/universe Packages
Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-backports/multiverse Packages
Done http://www.getautomatix.com gutsy Release
Hit http://www.getautomatix.com gutsy/main Packages
Hit http://getswiftfox.com unstable/non-free Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates/restricted Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates/universe Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed/restricted Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed/universe Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates/restricted Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates/universe Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-updates/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed/restricted Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy-proposed/universe Packages
Done downloading
Reading package lists: Done/ Packages: 90 /universe Packages: 90
Reading state information: Done
Reading state information: Done
Reading state information: Done

Updating repository information

Third party sources disabled

Some third party entries in your sources.list were disabled. You can
re-enable them after the upgrade with the 'software-properties' tool
or your package manager.

Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security Release.gpg
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy Release.gpg
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates Release.gpg
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed Release.gpg
Done http://archive.canonical.com hardy Release.gpg
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports Release.gpg
Done http://archive.canonical.com hardy Release
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy Release
Done http://archive.canonical.com hardy Release
Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security Release
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates Release
Done http://archive.canonical.com hardy/partner Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed Release
Done http://archive.canonical.com hardy/partner Sources
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports Release
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy Release
Done http://archive.canonical.com hardy/partner Packages
Done http://archive.canonical.com hardy/partner Sources
Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security Release
Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/main Packages
Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/restricted Packages
Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/universe Packages
Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/multiverse Packages
Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/main Packages
Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/restricted Packages
Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/universe Packages
Done http://security.ubuntu.com hardy-security/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates Release
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed Release
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports Release
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports/main Packages
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports/restricted Packages
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports/main Packages
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports/restricted Packages
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports/universe Packages
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports/multiverse Packages
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports/universe Packages
Done http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy-backports/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/restricted Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/restricted Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/restricted Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/universe Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed/restricted Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed/universe Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/restricted Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/universe Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed/restricted Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed/main Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed/multiverse Packages
Done http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-proposed/universe Packages
Done downloading

Checking package manager
Reading package lists: Donem hardy-proposed/universe Packages: 90
Reading state information: Done
Reading state information: Done
Reading state information: Done

Calculating the changes

Support for some applications ended

Canonical Ltd. no longer provides support for the following software
packages. You can still get support from the community.

If you have not enabled community maintained software (universe),
these packages will be suggested for removal at the end of the

libgdchart-gd2-noxpm, libnessus2, nessus, ubuntu-calendar,
ubuntu-calendar-december, ubuntu-calendar-february,
ubuntu-calendar-january, ubuntu-calendar-march,
ubuntu-calendar-november, ubuntu-calendar-october

Calculating the changes

Could not calculate the upgrade

A unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.

This can be caused by:
* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu

If none of this applies, then please report this bug against the
'update-manager' package and include the files in
/var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugreport.

Restoring original system state

Reading package lists: Done/ Packages: 90 /universe Packages: 90
Reading state information: Done
Reading state information: Done
Reading state information: Done


So as the output suggests above I have check the log file in /var/log/dist-upgrade and it shows the following:


2008-04-28 15:01:07,744 INFO release-upgrader version '0.87.24' started
2008-04-28 15:01:07,764 DEBUG Using 'DistUpgradeViewText' view
2008-04-28 15:01:08,353 DEBUG enable dpkg --force-overwrite
2008-04-28 15:01:08,633 DEBUG lsb-release: 'gutsy'
2008-04-28 15:01:08,634 DEBUG _pythonSymlinkCheck run
2008-04-28 15:01:12,700 DEBUG checkViewDepends()
2008-04-28 15:01:12,702 DEBUG running doUpdate() (showErrors=False)
2008-04-28 15:01:31,090 DEBUG doPreUpgrade
2008-04-28 15:02:28,446 DEBUG Foreign: automatix2 ttf-liberation odf-converter
2008-04-28 15:02:28,484 DEBUG Obsolete: libdvdcss2 w32codecs adobereader-plugin gizmo-project picasa webmin dvdshrink skype frostwire webmin-virtual-server-theme webmin-virtual-server adobereader-enu google-desktop-linux
2008-04-28 15:02:28,531 DEBUG updateSourcesList()
2008-04-28 15:02:29,057 DEBUG rewriteSourcesList()
2008-04-28 15:02:29,121 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,122 DEBUG entry 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,123 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates main restricted'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,123 DEBUG entry 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,124 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy universe'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,124 DEBUG entry 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy universe' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,125 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates universe'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,126 DEBUG entry 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates universe' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,126 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy multiverse'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,127 DEBUG entry 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy multiverse' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,127 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates multiverse'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,128 DEBUG entry 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates multiverse' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,129 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,129 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,130 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,131 DEBUG entry 'deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,131 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-security main restricted'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,132 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-security main restricted' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,132 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-security universe'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,133 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-security universe' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,134 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-security multiverse'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,135 DEBUG entry 'deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-security multiverse' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,135 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://www.getautomatix.com/apt gutsy main'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,152 DEBUG entry '# deb http://www.getautomatix.com/apt gutsy main' was disabled (unknown mirror)
2008-04-28 15:02:29,153 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://getswiftfox.com/builds/debian unstable non-free'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,162 DEBUG entry '# deb http://getswiftfox.com/builds/debian unstable non-free' was disabled (unknown mirror)
2008-04-28 15:02:29,162 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-backports main restricted universe multiverse'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,163 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,164 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,165 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,165 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-proposed restricted main multiverse universe'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,166 DEBUG entry 'deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-proposed restricted main multiverse universe' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,166 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/pculture.org/miro/linux/repositories/ubuntu gutsy/'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,175 DEBUG entry '# deb http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/pculture.org/miro/linux/repositories/ubuntu gutsy/' was disabled (unknown mirror)
2008-04-28 15:02:29,176 DEBUG examining: 'deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner'
2008-04-28 15:02:29,177 DEBUG entry 'deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu hardy partner' updated to new dist
2008-04-28 15:02:29,326 DEBUG running doUpdate() (showErrors=True)
2008-04-28 15:03:20,284 DEBUG demoted: 'libgdchart-gd2-noxpm libnessus2 nessus ubuntu-calendar ubuntu-calendar-december ubuntu-calendar-february ubuntu-calendar-january ubuntu-calendar-march ubuntu-calendar-november ubuntu-calendar-october'
2008-04-28 15:04:32,794 DEBUG Running KeepInstalledSection rules
2008-04-28 15:04:33,165 DEBUG Removing 'xscreensaver' (ubuntu-desktop PostUpgradeRemove rule)
2008-04-28 15:04:33,772 DEBUG Removing 'gnome-cups-manager' (ubuntu-desktop PostUpgradeRemove rule)
2008-04-28 15:04:34,351 DEBUG Purging 'xorg-common' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule)
2008-04-28 15:04:34,351 DEBUG Purging 'libgl1-mesa' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule)
2008-04-28 15:04:34,352 DEBUG Purging 'ltsp-client' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule)
2008-04-28 15:04:34,968 DEBUG Purging 'ltspfsd' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule)
2008-04-28 15:04:35,535 DEBUG Purging 'python2.3' (Distro PostUpgradePurge rule)
2008-04-28 15:04:35,536 DEBUG running hardyQuirks handler
2008-04-28 15:04:35,555 DEBUG running _checkAndRemoveEvms
2008-04-28 15:04:35,840 DEBUG Kernel uname: '2.6.22-14-386'
2008-04-28 15:04:36,145 DEBUG Selecting new kernel 'linux-image-386'
2008-04-28 15:04:38,096 DEBUG The package 'ubuntu-desktop' is marked for removal but it's in the removal blacklist
2008-04-28 15:04:38,205 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'An essential package would have to be removed'


I would dearly love to be able to upgrade as I am having problems with my current graphics drivers and feel that the new x-org in version 8.04 may help. So if any one had had the same problem or knows a fix or work around for this problem I would be very grateful if you could let me know,

Kind Regards and High Hopes
David Nemo

Question information

English Edit question
Ubuntu update-manager Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
NEMO (nemo-itbloke) said :

Thanks for your bugreport.

Please run "sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop" if you perform a desktop upgrade. The do-release-upgrade command defaults to server upgrade mode. Please let me know if that fixes the problem.

Revision history for this message
doubledoux (tagudat) said :

try to follow the upgrade instructions but still the same calculation issue.
Do not understand how to run 'sudo do-release upgrade-m desktop' Pease advise step by step.
Thank you

Revision history for this message
cyberb764 (rmills764) said :

tried to use this fix and still not resolved. Got the following
No new release found