toolbars missing in the desktop. How can find it?

Asked by Keerthi Palitha Siribaddane

tool-bars missining in the desktop. How can find it?

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English Edit question
Ubuntu unity Edit question
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Solved by:
Warren Hill
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enubuntu (mr.tennents) said :

What version of Ubuntu are you using?

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Keerthi Palitha Siribaddane (keerthislas) said :

Ubuntu 11.10

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enubuntu (mr.tennents) said :

Can you explain better what is your problem?

Revision history for this message
Keerthi Palitha Siribaddane (keerthislas) said :

After rebooting the system, main toolbar and launch boxes are missing. I tried to several ways but cannot get it. pl help me. How can I get it?

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Best Warren Hill (warren-hill) said :

If you mean the toolbar at the top of the screen that says "Applications", "Places" and "System" then that is to be expected with the new desktop Unity introduced in 11.04.

This has been replaced with something called the dash which can be invisible but if you move your mouse over to the left hand edge of the screen it should reappear you can use this to run all your programs. It looks like a load of Icons arranged in a column.

Personally I can't stand it and wish the Desktop had remained more like it was in 10.04LTS and I know there are others out there who agree with me.

Please confirm that the dash is there. To make sure you don't have a broken system.

Then if like me you want to return to the old desktop. You can't but there is something similar enough that you should feel comfortable.

To get this open a terminal press CTRL+ALT+"T" together and enter

sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback

Next time you boot you will have a choice of the new desktop or the old one by selecting "Classic" on the screen that asks for your password.

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Keerthi Palitha Siribaddane (keerthislas) said :

Thanks Warren Hill, that solved my question.