Ubuntu 11.10 is for the birds.

Asked by Steven Gottlieb

I have tried all the version of Ubuntu since 9.04. This has got to be the worst version I have ever tried. This unity thing popping in and out is very annoying. No wonder Linux Mint has suddenly taken the lead over Ubuntu. Sometimes when you go to hit the back arrow on the browser, up pops the unity thing. You need to go back to basics. This thing s--ks. Sorry about the wording.

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Ubuntu unity Edit question
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Steven Gottlieb
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Revision history for this message
enubuntu (mr.tennents) said :

You can install Gnome-Shell if you prefer it. You can find it in USC.
Or you can download Lubuntu, Xubuntu, or Kubuntu, wich use lxde, xfce or kde.
You can install Pantheon, the UI of elementary os too... What's the problem?

Revision history for this message
enubuntu (mr.tennents) said :

If you have a problem with ubuntu you can ask here for help. Just explain better what is the problem. Or if you have a suggestion, send an email to the ayatana dev list or open a bug.

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Is this a question or a just pathetic rant?

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Steven Gottlieb (sgottl7227) said :

I think the developers should release another version, say Ubuntu 11.10.1, or 11.10 Version 2, that gives you the opportunity to decide, and go back to the older, simpler way. Perhaps you can place a drop down in the menu bar to switch easily back w/o unity for the clients who prefer a less action packed taskbar. Forcing all these choices in your face every moment you move the mouse seems rude and senseless.
Sure you can download or remove all kinds of things to change it back, but why should I? That should not be necessary. Remember this is Ubuntu, the flagship Linux OS. Not everyone agrees on a pop out taskbar. Sorry the developers can't take criticism.
Remember, at the time, Microsoft thought Vista was great. This is worse.

Revision history for this message
enubuntu (mr.tennents) said :

You can solve nothing with this question. Maybe you can open a bug about that. Linux had so many version, I suggest you to switch to another simply version if you don't like Unity. Like Linux Mint.
Remember that it's soo easy install Gnome-Shell or what you want on Ubuntu.

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marcobra (Marco Braida) (marcobra) said :

Here in italian language the steps to have ubuntu classic ( old look on a ubuntu 11.10 )


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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Or you can install XFCE, LXDE or KDE and Unity will not be an issue. Again, can you please pose a question.....

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Steven Gottlieb (sgottl7227) said :

I installed Gnome-Shell and it works fine. It is sort of like the older versions of Ubuntu. This Unity pop out is a rediculous idea meant to appease the mentally challenged. Who wants or needs pop outs, pop ups, or whatever.
I sure hope Ubuntu doesn't plan to keep and adopt it in 12.04 L.T.S. Look at Ubuntu Mint suddenly far ahead in downloads. Go to distrowatch.com. I wonder why? Let the unity package be relegated to the software or synaptic packages. Not a standard to promote as the future.

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

It does, I'm on 12.04 using Unity.

Distro watch means nothing. I'm sick of the ill informed quoting distrowatch as proof of anything. If you actually knew how distro watch got its stats you would realise how laughable it is.

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :


Basically, you know nothing and are spoutinig spout ignorant stats like they are "facts".

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Steven Gottlieb (sgottl7227) said :

I'm not saying Ubuntu is a bad distro. I am just thinking what is the actual purpose of putting this pop out sidebar in the OS? To make it easier to use, faster, smaller in size? Is it more efficient? I just can't see any reason for having it there. It's just so disturbing and pointless.
I was not part of the beta team, and maybe I should have been. I never thought anyone could botch up a OS as much as they did. I also don't believe everything I read in that link above http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/dare-to-be-different-ubuntus-popularity-is-not-declining/
Just cause the author says its so doesn't make it so? It's ok to admit 11.10 is a failed experiment, and to fix it with a classic ubunto release such as 11.10a or 11.10.1

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Netbooks are often widescreen, so there is plenty of horizontal space, so the global menu allows the maximum space be given to vertical space and the unity menu uses the abundant hoizontal space effectively. 11.10 can still use XFCE or KDE and be Oneiric, so you generalization of "11.10 is a failed experiment" is ignorant at best.

If you don't like the release or the desktop don't use it. Venting your pathetic ranting on here doesn't change anything or achieve anything so why you are not trying to do something constructive rather than petty bitching is beyond me.

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Steven Gottlieb (sgottl7227) said :

Well maybe the type of monitor i am using is the problem. I am using a 1024 X 768 CRT. It works fine for my purposes (reading the news). When i bring my mouse arrow to the firefox back button on the browser, out pops the unity global menu. Then i have to manipulate my mouse to get the menu bar to return so i can hit the back browser.

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Steven Gottlieb (sgottl7227) said :

I guess all the testing was done on 16:9 widescreens not 4:3 aspect ratio displays.

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Either change the margin which makes unity react or make it slimmer. Not sure about the testing