Comment 7 for bug 632803

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yjmalmsteen85 (nirvana705) wrote :

Actually i d love to have complete file manager in unity instead of nautilus. I would be incredibly integrated! I don't know how hard it can be but i ve been thinking about something like.....once the mouse moves on an icon you could choose to launch it (with normal left click) or select it (right click) or visualize a menù (what nowadays we see with 1 right click) by double right click (or holding right mouse button and select more than 1 item). So once an item (or more) is selected we could have all the functionalities we have in nautilus.
In my opinion (i know i know my opinion is nothing :D:D) it would be perfect if Unity could have basics operations completelly integrated. With basic operations i mean music player control (we already have it with sound menu) or (for ex) removing applications. In my opinion there's no need to open USC everytime i need to remove an app. We could have a button (in the dash) when the mouse is on the icon, that can let us to uninstall the app. We could just visualize the status of the operation (with a status bar) but, of course, we could also have a button to open the app in the USC for more informations.
That is my idea......i'd like to know what you think about that, cos maybe i didn't considered a lot of things. :)

PS: hope i explained myself in a good way! My english is not perfect :)