Comment 19 for bug 1552537

Revision history for this message
Mathew Hodson (mhodson) wrote :

I reproduced this issue in Trusty, but it is still broken with unity/7.2.6+14.04.20160408-0ubuntu1

Another issue I found is that while On Screen Keyboard is enabled, the Lock shortcut doesn't work and neither does selecting Lock from the menu or when logging out.

To test, what I did was switch to Guest Session and then log out to get to the lock screen.

$ apt list --installed unity unity-services libunity-core-6.0-9
Listing... Done
libunity-core-6.0-9/now 7.2.6+14.04.20160408-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed,local]
unity/now 7.2.6+14.04.20160408-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed,local]
unity-services/now 7.2.6+14.04.20160408-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed,local]