Comment 54 for bug 107738

Revision history for this message
Ansus (neptunia) wrote : Re: network-manager-pptp isn't installed by default

> Are you sure that this package actually helps?


pptp-linux technically allows to establish Internet coinnection but requires editing config files by hands which is unintuitive and also requires internet to search the appropriate cofiguration in forums.

network-manager-pptp allows to do this by simply clicking with mouse. (although currently it does not automatically reestablish the connecthion after reboot and requires manually entering password each time)

Артём Попов is right that some Russian ISPs went so far as releasing their own Ubuntu remixes with network-manager-pptp installed by default. So does Russian Runtu remix.

I disagree with Artem on that this is not necessary for default install: how a newbie Linux user would know which package he has to install to enter the Internet? Only if he knows from previous experience what packages he needs, he can connet the Internet without trouble. In Windows and MacOS all tools needed to establish PPTP connection already included in the default installation. User only needs enter their password to connect to the Internet.