Missing files after Ubuntu install - never used linux before

Asked by Anthony Robertson

When I installed Ubuntu I was offered 3 hard drives to install to, the internal drive and two external ones. As windows vista was already on the c drive and it was fairly full I opted to install on an external 2tb drive. This drive contains most of my music, video and photo albums. Once Ubuntu installed I have access to files on the c drive and my other external drive but the drive I installed ubuntu on does not even show up as being connected to the computer. This is my first time at using an operating system other than windows, what am I missing here, where have I gone wrong so soon?

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Ubuntu ubiquity Edit question
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Solved by:
Anthony Robertson
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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

You will not have access to the Linux partitions from Windows. Do all the drives show up in BIOS?

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Anthony Robertson (effjay67) said :

So far I'm still in Ubuntu, I have not rebooted into windows yet (to be honest I'm just a little scared to in case all my data has disapeared there as well). Just using the default 'Home Folder' on the Ubuntu desktop and listed under 'Devices' I can see that the drive I installed Ubuntu to is NOT listed - this is the drive with my missing files.

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Anthony Robertson (effjay67) said :

Ok, I've rebooted the computer, this time into windows, both my external drives and thankfully all my files show up and are available, also there is now a folder called ubuntu on that drive, one that can be opened. It's now 3am here, impact to bed, I'll take another look at this in the morning.

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Warren Hill (warren-hill) said :

How did you install Ubuntu?

There are 3 options

1. As the only Operating system

2. Beside existing operating system (usually but not necessarily Windows) as dual boot

3. With Wubi - This is actually inside windows.

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Anthony Robertson (effjay67) said :

Ubuntu was installed as a dual boot with windows vista, vista is on the internal c drive while ubuntu is on an external drive. Under windows the drive that ubuntu was installed onto has the designation letter g.

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Anthony Robertson (effjay67) said :

Right in the fresh light of morning I have found my missing files. They were NOT where I would have expected at all, but having said that it does have some sort of logicality to it.

 1) DESKTOP - Home Folder
 2) COMPUTER - File System

In the host folder I have found all the files that were on the disk before installing ubuntu. The drive that ubuntu is installed on is still missing from the DEVICES list, but at least I access to my data. Now I just have to learn how to create shortcuts to folders that I can then place in slightly more practical places.

Thankyou to everyone who offered to help.

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danrevell (danrevell) said :

effjay67: Am having a slightly similar prob with my latest in a decade of Ubuntu installs, but nonetheless want to welcome you and advise that unless things have changed horribly in the last coupla years, you will never, NEVER regret making the switch. :--)
Linux is what computing would have been had The Beast not chosen to begin his singlehanded destruction of the Computer Age in the early '90s.
When you come fully into The Light (eg, Ubuntu) and boldly make the next step (replacing Vista with XP and relegating that portion of your harddrive to an oubliette where a few pathetic apps still can't run within WINE), remember that you heard it here first.
Seriously..... welcome, you will not be disappointed. 8--]