Help! Kubuntu destop running a virtual ubuntu server

Asked by CarlNorris

Can anyone point me in the right direction I have tried numerous ways to set up a development server, due to limited funds it has to be on my home computer...(AMD bulldozer with 4gb ram, 128 SSD and 1TB HDD). My goal is to set kubuntu up on the SSD and run a virtual machine running ubuntu server on the HDD. theory behind this is to have a fully functional kubuntu desktop and a LAMP sever with Moodle connected to the net (I may be reaching to high but if you don't try....) I have tried both virt manager and virtualbox but both want set the VM up on an image on my SSD. It seems permission issues with the HDD are causing a problem I even spent 2 days creating an image (yes all 1TB on my hard drive but to no avail)

This is my first post but a great thankyou goes out to all who have contributed to other posts as I would not have got this far without them

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Your virtual system will install as an image on the system, this is the 'drive' which your OS will install to. How do you intend to install the virtual system any other way? This is how it works.

You can bridge the network connection so that the system gets an IP from your routers DHCP pool, but I'm not seeing why installing to an image on the HDD is an issue.


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CarlNorris (carl1norris) said :

All seems to go fine until I try to point virt manager to the image on the HDD then it bounces back permissions denied

I am correct in thinking if I do manage to set the VM up on the HDD it will not need to access the SSD to run -Excuse my ignorance


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Best actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

it will need access to the SSD as the image will be stored on it. Use virtualbox and make a fresh drive image. You can then boot to the server ISO and install the server OS to the image you make.

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CarlNorris (carl1norris) said :

Thanks actionparsnip, that solved my question.

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CarlNorris (carl1norris) said :

Thanks A P

I now know I am going down the right road will try virtualBox on a clean install

Much appreciated