comp freezes at instal

Asked by Roky

I have this old but still good PC that cant play any computer games any more but still does ok with everything else. Year or two ago I installed Ubunty 7 at that time just to see what the fuzz is all about. I played around and decided that its not working for me so I reinstalled XP (SP3).
note: it worked with 7

I heard that Ubuntu 10.10 is for shizle so I was like let me try it again. I DL it, burned a CD tried to install and nothing. It freezes every time. So I booted XP follow instructions, made double boot for XP and Ubuntu. Installation went smooth, got message saying I am good to go but have to restart first. I did that and boom - again my comp freezes at boot... :o(

Any idea what might be wrong? Any suggestions

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delance (olivier-delance) said :

Did you install Ubuntu inside Windows partition ?
Did you check MD5 of ISO image:

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Roky (odwalla2003) said :

I tried full install and when that did not work I did boot install. Initially that went ok but after rebooting my computer freezed. As of MD5 I am not familiar with it

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delance (olivier-delance) said :

What's issue with MD5 ?

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marcus aurelius (adbiz) said :

first of all, drop your rap talk. lots of people here don't speak english as a first language.

secondly, how is it freezing? do you get a black screen with a blinking cursor at the top corner?

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

I think delance's link should be clicked and read first. If you (like most Windows users) haven't MD5 tested the ISO, you have no idea if the ISO you downloaded is complete or consistent. If the ISO is bad then any effort will be for nought as the data you are trying to use will have errors.

Get the image tested. Then ifg its ok then boot to the CD and press SPACEBAR a lot, you will be able to test the CD to see if burning the CD has caused errors. You no doubt used the highest speed available (again, most Windows users do this) and jitters will be exaggerated at high speed, also slower speeds make the laser make a darker image on the disk itself.

Once the ISO and CD are tested as Ok then we know the install media is pristine and we can progress. If it's not then redownload if the ISO is bad or burn another CD as SLOWLY as you are aloud then rerun the CD test.

Let us know how you go. If the current CD you have is good then we can explore other avenues but at current you have an unverified install disk because at no point have you checked anything you are using.

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Roky (odwalla2003) said :

thanks guys, English is not my 1st language either and I was not talking rap. Sorry if I was not clear, it could be bc linux novice and mostly windows user.

I followed delance link which had another link for Ubuntu Hashes:

Is that what I need to do? Sorry I am lost!?

To answer your questions the iso file was burned at 16x so not top speed. Shell I burn it at 8X?
In a mean time my roommate had 10.04 on a thumb drive. I tried installing that and again my computer froze.

Basically after I insert cd and restart my comp the following things happen. Unless I click F2 or E I get black screen with Ubuntu written in the middle with couple of red dots underneath it. The blink at first until they stop and about same time I hear that my CD Rom stopped working too.
If I do click E or F2 I get language setup. Escaping that gives me several options F1 through F6. Under F6 option there is no acpi option. I marked that hoping I would see at which point is freezing but that did not work either.

Also at that window there is option to check your file. Is that what you guys are talking. I did that and it said it is all good. So after I couldn't install the full OS I did the option with installing Ubuntu in Windows. That did completed without problem but after restarting the comp it froze again.

Hopefully this helps

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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

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