Comment 86 for bug 1439288

Revision history for this message
In , Aliakc (aliakc) wrote :

Created attachment 6050
thunar-preferences.c testcase

I made a small testcase for my theory about xfconf being triggered in the getter and this is the result.

What remains is just a single g_print(...) and the "object" setter for default values.

After that thunar got configured as follows:

./configure --disable-dbus --disable-gudev --prefix=/usr

Runnin thunar through gdb and monitoring with dbus-monitor gave me rare crashes every now and then. Maybe from 50 copies around one crash. The backtraces look similar from them above but vary from time to time.

Then I recompiled thunar again. This time I commented the g_print and never had any crashes again. Since neither xfconf nor dbus (besider the vfs layer) gets triggered.

With dbus enabled in thunar, I rarely had some false unrefs there and here. They show up. Disappear. Sometimes I hit the exact problem as many logs has shown. Sometimes I hit some other areas inside glib.

xfconf seem to be working ok, otherwise other problems might have shown up in other parts of xfce4. dbus ? I am not sure, this will raise the question why other parts of the distribution I use won't fail or trigger similar issues.

Thread safe or race conditions comes into my mind as well.