Comment 1 for bug 1471258

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Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

Keeping notes: I added "LABEL=mystery /var ext4 defaults 0 0" to /etc/fstab to try and reproduce this.

 - On a standard cloud image (server-ish, no graphical plymouth) boot waits for the device to appear for 90s, times out, and I get into the emergency shell. So that works alright.

 - On a standard desktop image (graphical plymouth) I see the running dots for 90s, then they stop. I need to switch to Alt+F7 to see the emergency shell, because plymouth does not get stopped. So that's something to fix. Is that the case for you as well? I. e. is it just that the emergency shell doesn't appear by itself but you can switch VT to it? Or do the plymouth dots just go on and on? Where can I download that desktop ISO?