How do I install syslog-ng? (syslog depends on ubuntu-minimal)

Asked by Stefan Lasiewski

I want to use syslog-ng on my system.

When I attempt to install syslog-ng, apt-get tries to remove " klogd sysklogd ubuntu-minimal". Removing ubuntu-minimal seems like a bad idea, and the package description says "It is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, so it is recommended that it not be removed."

How can I safely install syslog-ng on my system?

I supose this question might also be:

How do I remove sysklogd & klogd without removing 'ubuntu-minimal'. Ubuntu recommends that I not remove ubuntu-minimal

-= Stefan

Question information

Revision history for this message
Best Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :


the ubuntu-minimal package itself contains only documents relating to itself; there's no actual support provided by it, other than the fact that it has some dependencies that a number of other packages should have but don't.

at this time, it's safe to remove ubuntu-minimal.

Note: the reason ubuntu-minimal has to be removed to install syslog-ng, metalog, or any other modern syslog program is entirely political. The technical reason of 'no time to have become familiar with the other programs' has long since stopped being viable.

so, its safe to remove ubuntu-minimal

to install syslog-ng

sudo aptitude install syslog-ng


Revision history for this message
Chris Coulson (chrisccoulson) said :

Bhavani - I think it might be prudent to point out that whilst it is safe to remove ubuntu-minimal, it should be present when upgrading between Ubuntu versions. If it isn't installed, then the upgrade may not go entirely to plan.

Revision history for this message
Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :

yep the only downside is that if the metapackage changes in an upgrade you won't automatically get the change.

Bhavani Shankar.

Revision history for this message
Stefan Lasiewski (stefanlasiewski) said :

Chris & Bhavani,

That's what I was afraid of. 'ubuntu-minimal' seems like a rarely used project, but it's still a critical package during those rare occasions.

Revision history for this message
Bhavani Shankar (bhavi) said :

You can always download the package after upgrade....

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Stefan Lasiewski (stefanlasiewski) said :

> You can always download the package after upgrade.... <

Unfortunately, I can't. If I try to install 'ubuntu-minimal', apt tries to remove syslog-ng, snort, and a few other security-related packages (See my log below). I suppose I could force or override or something, but that might cause other unforeseen problems.

This really doesn't make sense to me, because ubuntu-minimal shouldn't have any technical conflict with snort or syslog-ng.

$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal
The following extra packages will be installed:
  klogd sysklogd
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  psad snort-common snort-mysql snort-rules-default syslog-ng
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  klogd sysklogd ubuntu-minimal

Revision history for this message
Stefan Lasiewski (stefanlasiewski) said :

Thanks Bhavani Shankar, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Stefan Lasiewski (stefanlasiewski) said :

Follow up:

It seems like this is a popular idea.

If anyone is interested in promoting this idea, please vote for the brainstorm idea #9517: "Add syslog-ng as a possible alternative to sysklogd" at

* I added several links to related bugs. Unfortunately, it seems like the comments are spread all over the place, so this problem may not be getting the appropriate attention. I'm not sure how to help.