The lack of multiple screenshots in Software Center

Asked by zubozrout

Is there a plan to support more than one screenshot in Software Center? With more screenshots you can also fill more space, that should look better especially on the big screens and it would also give better idea about the software. The nice example of the fine software manager is Android Market for Honeycomb, that looks really great.
I like the new Software Center 5.0 and I think the multiple screenshots is something, that's really missing.

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Ubuntu software-center Edit question
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marcus aurelius (adbiz) said :

have more than one screen shot will require a huge amount of resources, as there are 1000s of apps in the software center. many of the apps have a link that takes you to the developer's website where you can see other screenshots.

if you can't live without multiple screenshots, you might want to make a suggestion at

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