Comment 343 for bug 1575053

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Hadmut Danisch (hadmut) wrote :

Well, maybe people are somewhat upset because snap is not offered as an option, but enforced by having important tools like Firefox and Chrome-Browser as a snap only.

So while respecting your work and the limited time and small team on one hand, it is on the other hand lack of respect for the work and limited time of all those people out there using ubuntu, by enforcing the rather raw product of a small team with limited time.

I'm not going to jump into this discussion about the name of ~/snap, although I admit, I find it disturbing too. I also had a long list of problems and wasted time to debug problems with snap due to insufficient documentation and questionable design decisions.

I remember pretty well the time when I had the problem that snapd caused me costs and problems, because it self-actingly downloaded mega- and gigabytes while refreshing snaps although I was an a really thin and metered expensive Internet connection. The ignorant answer from the team was, that they do want it that way, and don't care about other peoples situation. Or just trying to figure out what the hell snap is doing at runtime, because things were not working, but no documentation available about what is going on. Cost me a lot of time.

So I do consider it as inappropriate, if you demand respect for your team, while on the same time your design decisions do not pay any respect to Ubuntu users, and do not give them a choice whether to use snap or not. If your work is till going on and your time is limited, then maybe it was just too early to enforce the use of snapd.

Respect is not a one-way street. What goes around comes around.