screen-profiles 1.48-1 source package in Ubuntu


screen-profiles (1.48-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * upload to unstable (Closes: #518958)
  * add myself to uploaders
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1

screen-profiles (1.48-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  Drop the distro name in generated profiles
  * debian/install: fix installation of profiles
  * debian/rules: don't create the ubuntu profile symlink
  * debian/screen-profiles-extras.install: no longer need to install
    the distro-specific profiles
  * profiles/generate: generate profiles which do not have ubuntu-
  * select-screen-profile: remove the ubuntu specific profile handling
  * screen: fix broken symlinks to ubuntu-* profiles
  * screen-profiles: drop special ubuntu handling
  * screen-profiles-export: drop ubuntu prepending

  * screen: default to the light profile, if unspecified; this should be
    acceptable now that the F9:Menu prompt is always shown, and from there,
    any user can easily change their profile; just touch the windows config
    file since F5 reloads reopens all windows; launch with motd+shell if
    no args to screen are specified
  * keybindings/common: don't force users to name a window on F2 window
  * debian/postrm: remove the || true on the diversion removal, per Debian
    ITP; I suppose we want to know if the diversion removal failed
  * screen-profiles, screen-profiles-status: default uptime status to 'on',
    generally useful, and pretty compact
  * bin/mem-available: fix subtle bug where whitespace is printed if in a
    totally default (no status file) configuration
  * screen-profiles-status.1, debian/rules: manpage added
  * screen-profiles-export: randomly generate tarball name, if unspecified

screen-profiles (1.47-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * screen-profiles-status: stop grepping after one match, subtle perf
  * bin/logo: lsb_release is really expensive, try /etc/issue first,
    and fall back to lsb_release if that fails
  * bin/date, bin/time: last release installed 644 for some reason?

screen-profiles (1.46-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * bin/date, bin/time, screen-profiles-status, screen-profiles-export,
    screen-profiles: allow for configuring on/off the date and time
    status, LP: #359050
  * bin/logo: added logos for foresight and xandros
  * bin/battery: use the more intense yellow for lower battery percentage

screen-profiles (1.45-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * bin/cpu-freq: fix for powerpc LP: #352286, fix for arm LP: #362157,
    always report in GHz, round to nearest hundred
  * bin/uptime: don't print seconds, since we don't update often enough
  * bin/*: route and ifconfig are in /sbin, fully qualify
  * Performance improvements, LP: #360759
    - screen-profiles-status: use home bin scripts, if available first,
      then fallback to system-wide, allows for local overrides; comment
      out nice and ionice calls;  this *really* slows down startup
    - bin/release: eliminate one expensive lsb_release call
    - bin/updates-available: background updates checking processes,
      let them write to cache, and let the next cache check pick up the
  * debian/control: add a versioned dependency on python-newt, as
    screen-profiles appears to crash on gutsy systems (but is okay on
    hardy systems), LP: #346603

  [ Jon Bernard <email address hidden> ]
  * debian/control: fix typo in screen-profiles-extras description

  [ Steven Danna <email address hidden> ]
  * bin/battery: hide percentage when battery is in charged state

screen-profiles (1.44-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * bin/updates-available: print one ! for updates, two !! for security
    updates available (should have a unit for each item)
  * profiles/profile.skel: updates-available and reboot-required should
    be over with the rest of the status

screen-profiles (1.43-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  New status notifiers, LP: #357911
  * bin/logo: allow users to define their own logo
  * bin/processes: display a count of the running processes
  * bin/network-down, bin/network-up: added network transmit status
  * bin/wifi-quality: show wireless signal quality
  * bin/*, profiles/profile.skel: make all status scripts handle their
    own colors and trailing whitespace;  this should help alleviate the
    16-color-change limitation on un-patched screens;  it also simplifies
    the hardstatus string significantly, LP: #357917
  * profiles/profile.skel: move reboot-required and updates-available to
    the early part of the status string, since these require action
  * screen-profiles-status: new, central script for all status actions;
    allows us to centralize some things, like enable/disable checking
    and process nice-ness, LP: #357923

  [ Raphaël Pinson and Dustin Kirkland ]
  * bin/battery, bin/users, bin/uptime, profiles/common, screen-profiles:
    added new status items for battery state, number of users, and system
    uptime, LP: #357911

screen-profiles (1.42-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * bin/cpu-freq: fix cpu freq for powerpc hardware, LP: #352286;
    use 2 decimals for GHz (bring this down to 1 decimal when cpus hit 10GHz)
  * debian/postinst, debian/prerm, screen: remove some maintainer hacks
    that should be cleaned up before Jaunty GA, LP: #352291
  * po/*: screen-profiles-export translation template
  * profiles/common: added 'altscreen on', which cleans the screen for
    programs that support this, such as vi and emacs, LP: #349677
  * bin/logo, profiles/common, profiles/generate: dynamically print logo
    LP: #352632
  * screen-profiles-export, screen-profiles-export.1: drop distro selection,
    no longer needed
  * added logo for Arch linux

  [ Adi Roiban ]
  * debian/install, debian/rules, po/POTFILES.python, po/,
    po/es.po, po/fr.po, po/screen-profiles.pot: LP: #347521, i18n support
    in the screen-profiles build and install

screen-profiles (1.41-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * profiles/logos/gentoo: added a gentoo logo
  * profiles/logos/mandriva: added a mandriva logo
  * profiles/generate-profiles: reorganize cleaning and echo's
  * debian/rules: generate profiles as part of the build, rather than
  * bin/release: determine release from /etc/issue if lsb-release not found;
    don't use fully qualified path for lsb_release as it seems this has moved
    around (see Dapper); for Ubuntu use -d, but use -r -i for other os's
  * licenses updated to GPLv3 (dropped "or later" clause)
  * screen-profiles-export: new script, for exporting a profile to systems
    where screen-profiles are not installed
  * screen-profiles-export.1: manpage for new script
  * debian/install: install screen-profiles-export
  * profiles/generate-profiles renamed to profiles/generate

  [ James Wilcox ]
  * bin/updates-available: support SUSE's zypper

screen-profiles (1.40-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * bin/updates-available: cache /var/run/updates-available locally, to
    persist across reboots, LP: #344993
  * profiles/logos/suse: added a simple SuSE green on white logo

screen-profiles (1.39-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * debian/screen-profiles-extras.install: new package, providing the
    additional, color profiles, LP: #342244
  * debian/control: suggest screen-profiles-extra, and create the package
  * screen: recommend the screen-profiles-extras package, if the user's
    chosen profile isn't readable
  * select-screen-profile: silence stderr on ls

screen-profiles (1.38-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * screen-profiles: add support for toggling on/off each status item
  * bin/arch: new status notifier, default is 'off'
  * bin/*: speed these up by dropping the 'basename' shell call
  * profiles/common: change the refresh on status items that don't change
    to once-a-day; add arch

screen-profiles (1.37-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * bin/menu: make internationalizable menu prompt
  * debian/rules: get-po from menu
  * bin/*: test if enabled/disabled before executing, LP: #341557

screen-profiles (1.36-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * profiles/profile.skel: Menu:<F9> white text on dark background
  * profiles/logos/debian: red on white for the Debian logo
  * bin/release: improve printing of release information

screen-profiles (1.35-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Adrien Cunin ]
  * Fixed Vcs-Bzr url
  * Don't install README as changelog, it's already installed as doc
  * Fixed bin/whoami's header which had bin/hostname's one
  * Minor fix in the french translation

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * bin/ec2-cost: fix &2>1 typo, LP: #339774

screen-profiles (1.34-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  Fixes for LP: #339186
  * screen-profiles: remove welcome screen toggle support; collapsed into a
    tooltip on the status line
  * windows/common: remove screen-profiles default window; now launched from
  * profiles/profile.skel: add Menu:F9 tool tip to far right of window bar

screen-profiles (1.33-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * screen-launcher: add little bash hack to ensure that PROMPT_COMMAND gets
    displayed and gnome-title is updated, LP: #338722
  * debian/control: build-depend on gettext-base, in case the builder needs to
    run get-po
  * bin/ec2-cost: trivial interface detection fix, nice the apt checks
  * bin/hostname: improve performance

screen-profiles (1.32-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * bin/ec2-cost: since route -n is being used, must grep for,
    LP: #336955
  * debian/postinst, debian/prerm: add/remove symlink for bin scripts to
    /var/lib/screen-profiles (should be removed before Jaunty GA)
  * profiles/common, debian/install: install helper scripts into
    /var/lib/screen-profiles rather than /usr/share/screen-profiles/bin,
    LP: #336961

screen-profiles (1.31-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * keybindings/common, profiles/common, profiles/plain,
    profiles/profile.skel: replace ~ with $HOME, LP: #336208

screen-profiles (1.30-ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * screen-profiles: note <F5> profile refresh key, LP: #335922; use single
    <Back> button instead of 2 <Okay> <Exit> buttons when there's only really
    one path, LP: #335923; standardize all buttons to the same words
  * screen: revert "clear" changes
  * select-screen-profile: align profile options properly, LP: #335943;
    order profile options better, LP: #335944; match "F5" text to that in
  * doc/help.txt: improve help text
  * po/*: text updated

screen-profiles (1.29-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * bin/ec2-cost: add --force, and --detail mode for stand-alone runs; test for
    existence of /etc/ec2-version for Amazon instance (LP: #335274), allow
    local use to turn ec2-cost on
  * bin/updates-available, keybindings/common, profiles/common, screen,
    screen-profiles, select-screen-profile, select-screen-profile.1: updated
    to collapse ~/.screenrc-* into ~/.screen-profiles/*, LP: #335275
  * screen: added a hack to move ~/.screenrc-* into ~/.screen-profiles/*;
    this hack should be removed after Jaunty GA (only affects upgrading
    Alpha users), clear after screen exit (cleans up misleading status bar)
  * screen-launcher: drop santizer code; no longer necessary; handled by the
    screen wrapper, and screen patched to ignore missing sourced files.
  * bin/ec2-cost: speed up route with -n
  * screen-profiles.1: Add a note about PuTTY's odd key mapping for F1-F4,
    LP: #317550
  * keybindings/common, doc/help.txt: Change F5 from kill window to hot-reload
    profile (killing a window is easy enough, with 'exit' command)
  * profiles/*: provide other colored profiles

screen-profiles (1.28-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * bin/ec2-cost: update the hostname regex to work with the latest Ubuntu
    ec2 beta, LP: #335274

screen-profiles (1.27-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * Fix for LP: #333189:
    - keybindings/common: add profile reload shortcut, "ctrl-a ~"
    - screen-profiles: updated messages to point to ^a ~
    - po/*: updated for the new messages
  * Fix for LP: #333180
    - screen-profiles: add toggle for auto launch of welcome
    - po/*: updated for the new messages
  * Fix for LP: #332890
    - bin/updates-available: prefer /var/run/updates-available over
      ~/.screenrc-updates-available, if touched more recently

screen-profiles (1.26-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  Fixes for LP: #331648
  * bin/whoami: report user logged in
  * bin/hostname: report hostname
  * profiles/common, debian/install: add whoami, hostname
  * profiles/profile.skel: append user@host to the far right of window bar

screen-profiles (1.25-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * screen: don't prompt with select-screen-profile, if ~/.screenrc exists
    and ~/.screenrc-profile does not, LP: #330322

screen-profiles (1.24-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * screen-profiles: remove the scroll bar on the help page, LP: #330276

screen-profiles (1.23-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * profiles/common, profiles/plain: remove double-sourcing of /etc/screenrc,
    LP: #328365

screen-profiles (1.22-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * profiles/plain: rather than symlinking to /etc/screenrc, source it, and
    then source ~/.screenrc to ensure that the user's local customizations
    are loaded, LP: #328312
  * debian/install: install plain profile
  * debian/rules: drop the symlink to /etc/screenrc

screen-profiles (1.21-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * motd+shell, motd+shell.1: trivial script to print the motd then launch
    a shell; manpage accordingly, fixes for LP: #328066
  * windows/common: use motd+shell for shell window, drop motd window
  * debian/install: install motd+shell
  * debian/rules: install motd+shell.1 manpage
  * doc/help.txt, screen-profiles: try hard to get the help text to fit
    on a tty console screen

screen-profiles (1.20-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * profiles/logos/*: remove unneeded trailing formatting
  * screen-launcher-install: no longer need the pruning code, since we just
    call screen-launcher-uninstall
  * bin/*: added gpl/copyright header
  * bin/ec2-cost, profiles/common, debian/install: initial script for
    estimating ec2 cost
  * bin/updates-available: write out local cache of updates available; add !
    only if there are security updates
  * debian/rules: drop po4a rule, no longer valid
  * screen-profiles-helper renamed to screen-profiles; updated all references
    LP: #315886
  * select-screen-profile, screen-profiles: update translation handling
    and inline documentation
  * bin/reboot-required: simplified
  * bin/cpu-freq: simplified, made more efficient
  * bin/cpu-count: simplified
  * bin/ec2-cost: exit immediately if not running in EC2
  * profiles/common: run cpu-freq, mem-used, and reboot-required every 2
    seconds (as these are cheap and dynamic)
  * profiles/skel: add ec2-cost to status bar

screen-profiles (1.19-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * screen: wrapper script should add a -c arg, and specify your chosen
    profile, and ensure that .screenrc at least exists, prevent recursion
    from happening to upgrading users by pruning source of ~/.screenrc-profile
    from ~/.screenrc, LP: #323756
  * screen-launcher-install: test executability of screen-launcher; install to
    .profile unconditionally, and only .bash_profile and .bash_login if they
    exist; sanitize the environment; LP: #319691, LP: #321869
  * screen-launcher-uninstall: test writability of file to prune; prune from
    .profile, .bash_profile, and .bash_login
  * screen-profiles-helper: update auto-launch-on-login detection accordingly
  * windows/common: start counting at 1, add a window for watching /etc/motd
  * profiles/profile.skel, profiles/*: source the user's local ~/.screenrc
    as a last step (allowing for overrides)
  * select-screen-profile: don't mess with the user's ~/.screenrc file here;
    only set up the ~/.screenrc-profile symlink

screen-profiles (1.18-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * debian/install: install all non-ubuntu profiles into
    /usr/share/screen-profiles/profiles/misc; install the ubuntu-light
    profile as "ubuntu-light"
  * debian/rules: call the generate-profiles script as part of the
    get-orig-source target; dh_link the ubuntu-light profile to ubuntu (to
    maintain legacy compatibility to existing ~/.screenrc-profile's)
  * profiles/debian,fedora,redhat,ubuntu: removed since these are auto
    generated now
  * profiles/debian-dark,debian-light,fedora-dark,fedora-light,redhat-dark,
    redhat-light,ubuntu-dark,ubuntu-light: new, autogenerated profiles
  * profiles/generate-profiles: shell script that will generate profiles
    using a skel file and a set of custom "logos"
  * profiles/logos/*: extracted the unique logo component of each profile
    and dropped in here
  * profiles/profile.skel: skeleton profile functionality, to be sed-upon
    by the generate-profiles script
  * select-screen-profile: some hackery to work around the fact that we now
    have a 'misc' directory in the profile listing, as well as a possibly
    duplicated ubuntu and ubuntu-light profiles
  * select-screen-profile & screen: move the environment sanitation code
    to the screen script, such that it is executed each time screen is run,
    rather than on screen profile selection only
  * screen-profiles-helper: add support for keybinding selection, LP: #321735
  * debian/install, keybindings/none: install an empty set of keybindings for
    the "none" selection
  * profiles/common: strip out the automatic loading of the common
    keybindings now that each user sets this in their local
  * profiles/generate-profiles, profiles/profile.skel: drop the grep of the
    caption, put it the skeleton
  * select-screen-profile: remove (), LP: #322833

screen-profiles (1.17-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * screen: wrapper script for calling select-screen-profile on a per-user,
    first-run basis
  * preinst, postrm: maintainer scripts to dpkg-divert screen to screen.real

screen-profiles (1.16-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * select-screen-profile: limit erroneous attempts to 5; make the "plain"
    profile default; remove the "recommended" pointer
  * screen-profiles-helper: drop the "recommended" pointer
  * doc/help.txt: make the help text more readable

screen-profiles (1.15-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * profiles/ubuntu: Ubuntu pseudo-logo looks better on dark black
  * select-screen-profile: append -light to default Ubuntu profile
  * debian/rules, debian/install: automatically generate and install an
    ubuntu-dark themed profile, thanks to Tyler Willingham for the

screen-profiles (1.14-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * bin/mem-used: fix calculation to account for buffers and cache

screen-profiles (1.13-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * bin/updates-available: fix bug when no updates are available
  * bin/mem-used, profiles/common, profiles/ubuntu: add memory usage
  * doc/help.txt: updated help page
  * keybindings/common: F12 -> lockscreen
  * debian/control, bin/*: remove dependencing on bc by using awk
  * profiles/common: print the \o/ logo on a slightly darker background to
    make it easier to see; print the mem-used after the mem-avail and a comma

screen-profiles (1.12-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * profiles/common, select-screen-profile: add support for sourcing
    individual user's ~/.screenrc-keybindings file
  * screen-launcher: sanitize user environment by touching sourced files,
    in case they don't exist
  * Updated several scripts license header to point to the GPLv3, which
    is the license this package uses (not GPLv2)

  [ Dustin Kirkland and Nicolas Barcet]
  * screen-profiles-helper: add HOME, SHARE, DOC global variables and use
    them where possible; add functionality to change the escape key
    sequence; dynamically populate current escape sequence in the help.txt
    display, LP: #317675

screen-profiles (1.11-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * profiles/ubuntu: change cpu/memory colors to match those of the gnome
    panel system monitor colors for cpu/memory

screen-profiles (1.10-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  * debian/control: debhelper 6; add explanation to the description as to why
    the Suggests are useful; add Enhances note
  * debian/rules: use -i in the binary-indep section, remove unneeded dh_clean
  * profiles/ubuntu: remove the |-separators
  * bin/updates-available: allow for faster startup by skipping the apt-check
    on initial run

screen-profiles (1.9-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [Nicolas Barcet]
  * use gettext in screen-profiles-helper (LP: #317245)

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * keybindings/common: fix leading whitespace on new window creation
    LP: #317558
  * keybindings/common, doc/help.txt: change the default escape sequence
    back to ctrl-a
  * profiles/common, bin/updates-available: the updates-available script now
    caches its value, expiring that value every 60 minutes; so subsequent
    checks are much cheaper;  we can allow the screen status script to run
    more frequently now, since most will be cache checks; we'll really benefit
    from this in Jaunty
  * debian/control: remove buildeps on gettext, po4a, which are only called
    in the prebuild; depend on ${misc:Depends} with debhelper >= 5
  * debian/rules: use dh_testdir in get-orig-source, dh_clean to clean up
    build; run as 'debian/rules get-orig-source'; removing dh_installdirs as
    its not needed; add dh_md5sums
  * debian/dirs: not needed, removing
  * debian/copyright: updated to use address, attribute
    Canonical copyright, and mention Nick as co-author
  * select-screen-profile.1: fixed typo
  * bin/*, *: use -e for shell scripts
  * bin/updates-available: cache updates available count in the user's
    homedir, rather than world-writable /var/tmp (race conditions exist)
  * screen-launcher.1, screen-profiles-helper.1: new manpages

screen-profiles (1.8-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * screen-profiles-helper: fix crash on startup, when
    ~/.screen-profiles-helper does not exist

screen-profiles (1.7-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * screen-install, screen-remove: renamed to screen-launcher-install,

  [ Nicolas Barcet ]
  * Add toggles to fix bugs LP: #315884 and LP: #315885 for help screen and
    install of screen by defaults

screen-profiles (1.6-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * debian/install: no need to install the debian profile in ubuntu
  * debian/rules: clean up comments
  * profiles/ubuntu: zero-fill the hour component of the timestamp
  * bin/updates-available: add some rudimentary caching mechanism for updates,
    will make screen launch *much* faster on <= Ubuntu 8.10
  * screen-install, screen-remove: renamed to screen-launcher-install,

screen-profiles (1.5-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * bin/mem-available: added a memory count script
  * bin/load-average: added a load average script
  * debian/install, profiles/common, profiles/ubuntu.screenrc:
    updated with mem and load status scripts
  * profiles/common: fix scrollback, LP: #309393
  * profiles/*.screenrc: renamed to drop the ".screenrc" bit as this was
    unnecessary;  this will break early users, they will need to re-run
    select-screen-profile to fix
  * screen-launcher, screen-install, debian/install: install screen-launcher
    to /usr/bin, drop the symlinking to ~/.screen-launcher, just install by
    adding /usr/bin/screen-launcher to ~/.bashrc; install screen-launcher
    to both bashrc and bash_profile

  [Nicolas Barcet]
  * Allow selecting which windows are opened by default in
  * Allow help message not to be displayed when starting

screen-profiles (1.4-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * profiles/*: Fix tab mangling, LP: #309882; print cpu count in black;
    remove darker background color of the Ubuntu logo, name, and clock
  * keybindings/common: use F7 for scrollback mode
  * doc/help.txt: updated F7 documentation

screen-profiles (1.3-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * doc/help.txt: Updated to reflect new F-key mappings
  * keybindings/common: Map F6 to detach session
  * select-screen-profile: Test link against arg
  * bin/cpu-count: remove whitespace
  * bin/release: get rid of "(development branch)" string

screen-profiles (1.2-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Jamie Strandboge ]
  * update help.txt

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * bin/updates-available: add missing print statements
  * keybindings/common: rework the common keybindings to use the F-keys
    to ensure that they work in both gnome-terminal and the tty console

  [Nicolas Valcárcel]
  * Spanish translations

  [ Nicolas Barcet ]
  * First try at screen-profile-helper
  * Allow select-screen-profile to not run interactively
  * screen-profile-helper allows to create new windows
  * screen-profile-helper allows to select profiles
  * screen-profile-helper allows to install screen by default
  * Now uses python-newt instead of python-dialog
  * Add framework for useful windows creation

screen-profiles (1.1-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Nicolas Barcet ]
  * Key binding framework basis
  * Added some sensible key bindings
  * First pot and translation to french

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * created keybindings directory, moved keybindings there
  * removed po4a directory, in favor of Nick's po directory
  * changed 'less' to /usr/bin/sensible-pager, depend on debianutils

screen-profiles (1.0-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * Initial upload (LP: #308789)
    - ubuntu, debian, redhat, fedora profiles
    - select-screen-profile utility
    - add dependency on gettext-base (LP: #308509), add translation framework
    - define 10,000 lines of scrollback
    - ctrl-a c opens new window and prompts for name
    - don't display ominous red 0! when no updates available (LP: #308215)

  [ Nicolas Barcet ]
  * Allow local modification of .screenrc (LP: #308216)
  * Add some nice defaults to ubuntu.screenrc

 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Mon,  18 May 2009 11:18:05 +0100

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Dustin Kirkland 
Low Urgency

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Karmic: [FULLYBUILT] i386


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
screen-profiles_1.48.orig.tar.gz 41.2 KiB 86ad0697f734208a37411a387696730643e2883c14477f55679b0a92c9b70af3
screen-profiles_1.48-1.diff.gz 7.2 KiB 9a921b3786d5a0736b6cfc2e543dd4581f9c6ed99154975754118e95705a64db
screen-profiles_1.48-1.dsc 1.3 KiB 577ec126b65f72cd88d52b0a226d461ad65a6368017f74be6ebd1a6229637011

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screen-profiles: No summary available for screen-profiles in ubuntu karmic.

No description available for screen-profiles in ubuntu karmic.

screen-profiles-extras: No summary available for screen-profiles-extras in ubuntu karmic.

No description available for screen-profiles-extras in ubuntu karmic.