Comment 90 for bug 1707352

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staedtler-przyborski (staedtler-przyborski-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

I verified that my Epson V300 works with a fresh Ubuntu 17.10 installation by doing the following steps

1. Install libsane1 1.0.27-1~experimental2ubuntu2.1

If you don't want to enable the proposed repository the easiest way is to download the files and install them from local

2. Install iscan-gt-f720-bundle-1.0.1.x64.deb.tar.gz

3. Copy (or move) the files from /usr/lib/sane (,, to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane

4. generate a file /etc/udev/rules.d/79-udev-epson.rules with the following content:
# chmod device EPSON group
ATTRS{manufacturer}=="EPSON", DRIVERS=="usb", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04b8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="*", MODE="0777"

No reboot needed

After these steps you can attach your scanner and turn it on. It will start to download the firmware (you can see some blinking lights and hear some noise). As soon downloading of firmware has finished you can use the scanner by either Simple-scan, iScan or Xsane (if installed). No root needed (except for installation).

As other Epson scanners using Iscan differ 'only' by the scanner specific plugin I expect them to work too.