Comment 34 for bug 90267

Revision history for this message
Alexander Sack (asac) wrote :

network-manager (0.6.5-0ubuntu7) gutsy; urgency=low

  [Alexander Sack <email address hidden>]
  * prefetch bugfix from svn - not-connected wired interface is if-upped:
    1. 24a_svn2578-gnome354565-fix-ethernet-link-detection-races.patch:
      - prefetch patch from 0.6.0 release branch (rev 2578)
    2. 24b_svn2605-gnome354565-dont-up-notwired-interfaces.patch:
      - prefetch patch from 0.6.0 release branch (rev 2605)
  * debian/patches/25_lp90267-dont-tear-down-upped-interfaces.patch: fix master bug that
    makes already configured interfaces (in /etc/network/interfaces) being torn down. This
    causes issue for network cards that don't have a link beat and might caus troubles
    for applications that have already bound to the interface and don't react on netlink
    events (LP: #90267)

  [Anthony Mercatante <email address hidden>]
  * fixed network-manager.install and debian/rules:
    - Installs nm-vpn-perperties in /usr/lib to make it a hidden binary
    - Tell dh_shlibdeps to ignore nm-vpn-properties to avoid lots of gnome
      dependancies, causing issues to release kubuntu Kubuntu.

 -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden> Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:15:56 +0200