Bridged Network DNS Issues
I'm trying to setup openvpn so that the Ubuntu 12.04 clients act like they are directly connected to our LAN - with the exception that their default route should remain on the clients LAN. We have dnsmasq providing DNS and DHCP on the server side LAN. But when using the client.conf file, I did not use the server side DHCP because I couldn't come up with a method to avoid sending the default route.
I've tried to use the command line and a client.conf file as well as the the network manager and I can get it to work if I un-install network manager and manipulate the DNS server with up/down scripts.
When I configure through network-
The default gateway is set to the ip address of the server bridge (tap0). If I change this with
"ip route change default via " and use the server side LAN gateway, then everything works on the server side. But all client traffic is now routed through the server side LAN.
Thanks in advance.
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