disk cleanup

Asked by simplydan

I would like to perform a cleanup of my main drive; remove temp files, temporary internet files, etc. How is this done?

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Ryan Dwyer (ryandwyer) said :

System > Administration > Computer Janitor.

Revision history for this message
simplydan (simplydan) said :

I have searched, and I cannot find "Computer Janitor". It is not listed under Administration, and it does not show up on a search query

Revision history for this message
Tom (tom6) said :

Hi :)

While booting up the machine do you get a menu with a lot of options for booting into Ubuntu? The 2nd option should have "recovery mode" near the end of it's line. Select the one with "recovery mode" to get to a disturbingly blue screen with another very helpful menu. One option should be "Clear some space" and a few other options would be well worth running through every month or so. Avoid the "fix x-server" as that resets all your eye-candy and graphics options to "factory defaults". The top item in the menu should be "Resume Reboot" but if you end up on a command-line you might just type


to reboot the machine (oddly enough)

Computer Janitor was introduced in 9.04 so it is not yet in many installs of Ubuntu, especially machines in corporate settings, offices, workplaces and so on. Most of those will not upgrade until a month or so after the next LTS release is released at the end of June or April. I am not sure if its going to be a 10.06 or a 10.04 release. It was scheduled for the end of June making it 10.06 but there seems to be a lot of development and people seem to be quite excited about it already & i keep hearing about 10.04 which would make it the end of April rather than a 'delayed' release.

Anyway, good luck and regards from
Tom :)

Revision history for this message
Tom (tom6) said :

Hi again :)

Err, i meant to say that if you are currently using 8.04, Hardy Heron then please stick with it until about the end of June when you can upgrade straight to 10.06 (or 10.04)

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

Revision history for this message
Sam_ (and-sam) said :

Sounds like Windows terms, Ubuntu has a different concept.
Please provide to any question which Ubuntu version is used, be as specific as possible, thanks.

> remove temp files
are removed anyway after shutdown.

> temporary internet files
Firefox -> tools -> delete history

Cleanup package cache.

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