Comment 34 for bug 1960457

Revision history for this message
Martin Laclaustra (martin-laclaustra) wrote :

After the demise of lupin-casper, the port of its functions into casper itself is incomplete...

In casper/scripts/casper-bottom/05mountpoints the following is needed at the end (before log_end_msg)...

if grep -q '^[^ ]* /isodevice ' /proc/mounts; then
        mkdir -p /root/isodevice
        mount -n -o move /isodevice /root/isodevice

(This was present in the now extinct package lupin-casper in lupin-0.57build1/casper/scripts/casper-bottom/05mountpoints_lupin)

The problem without these lines of code is that the partition remains mounted but the mount point is lost, it can not be unmounted, it locks the partition (avoiding changes in the disk when toram option is used), and also it prevents from accessing to files in that partition as the previous comment stated.

I hope that these four lines of code can be added to fix the problem.