Comment 5 for bug 1791758

Revision history for this message
Guilherme G. Piccoli (gpiccoli) wrote :

Quick summary about this issue upstream:

The first thread I found about this dates back to 2016, an user report followed by some approaches from Peter:

After that, seems the thread died, even with a functional patch, it wasn't "upstreamed". After about an year, another instance of the issue was observed by the powerpc community:

The approach of powerpc guys wasn't the ideal, so Peter was asked to merge a new version of his patch, which ended-up being the candidate we've already considered in this LP.
Despite merged, it was reverted after the following discussion:

Finally, a new approach seems to be near acceptance, from this year; it's in version 5, and I expect to see one more respin before the merge:

The patchset contains 7 patches, but the number #3 is the one that aims to fix our issue - I've commented there today in order to request some status, since it's just waiting a "cosmetic" change to get merged:

Worth to notice a similar approach than this last one from Dmitry was accepted to fix tty_init_dev() - that may not resolve the problem in this LP, but it's a fix and necessary as a dependency of Dmitry's patch:

So, in summary, for this LP we need a patch that is not upstream yet (although it's
near) plus a recent patch from January 2018.