Kernel descrepancy between ubuntu-minimal-2004-focal-v20250107 and ubuntu-2004-focal-v20241219

Asked by Bonka

When will Canomical release an updated 'ubuntu-2004-focal-v20241219' on gcp?

Currently I see the 'ubuntu-minimal-2004-focal-v20250107' has an updated kernel: '5.15.0-1074-gcp'. Meanwhile the image 'ubuntu-2004-focal-v20241219' still runs '5.15.0-1073-gcp'?

Was there a broken release pipeline that updated only the minimal 20.04?

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Ubuntu linux-signed-gcp-5.15 Edit question
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Freddy Alexander (freddy3366) said :

It looks like the update pipeline for the full `ubuntu-2004-focal-v20241219` image might be behind the minimal one. Sometimes the minimal images get updated first. It could also be a hiccup in the release process. Either way, the full image should get the kernel update soon. Keep an eye on the release notes or contact Canonical for more details.

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