Comment 4 for bug 156804

Revision history for this message
Eric Work (ework) wrote :


I understand all that, my comment was worded wrong I guess. What we need is a build of the restricted drivers package for the -server kernel. There appears to be one for all others. Yes they do have packages for the individual drivers but you have to use module-assistant and have the module source package to build them. The nvidia-glx-* packages are just the userspace libraries I believe. Also there is no madwifi module-assistant compatible package and the atk5k driver doesn't support my card (Fedora includes 2.6.23, maybe 2.6.24 is better). I see a couple of solutions:

1. Enable the HIGHMEM_64G option in -generic.
2. Build restricted drivers for -server.
3. Build a special -pae kernel if systems with low memory or older CPUs for problems with PAE support for some reason (Fedora does this).
4. You can of course run 64-bit but there are still a few issues in terms of compatibility and also lesser common 32-bit libraries are not available.

I think #1 would be best, #3 would be a lot of work, and #4 is a workaround.

Not rambling just observations.
