compiling otg-usb_wifi (realtek) drivers for android cm13 (kernel3.4.0)

Asked by marx engels malatesta

It's a custom rom based on cm13 so uname-r gives out the username and 3.4.0 kernel version . I'm guessing cm was built with the 3.4 armhf kernel . The closest i came to it was goldfish .

I am currently using zezty 17.04 (4.10)and have backports enabled and a gnu-arm4.7 compiler too .

I'm not exactly certain as to where i should install , if at all these kernel-headers . I also have the original realtek drivers and there's a 3.4 linux version of rtl8188eu available, still to be compiled of coarse .

Will i need to install linux-libc-dev-armel-cross too ,along with these headers and can they go in the /lib/modules or should i use /usr/src or a home folder for the drivers build ?

 thanks for any feedback

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Ubuntu linux-goldfish Edit question
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actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

What is the output of:

sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; uname -a; lsusb


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Best actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Kali isn't supported by the Ubuntu community in any way. I suggest. It's support community is entirely separate from Ubuntu's. I suggest you post on the Kali forum here:

None of the "Ubuntu based" distributions are supported here.