Comment 36 for bug 540490

Revision history for this message
Ken VanDine (ken-vandine) wrote :

Slightly modified patch, this includes a launcher to embed in the messaging menu so liferea can be launched directly from the menu and specified a minimum version for the libindicate-dev build-depends.

A couple comments on the actually behavior:
 * I noticed while it was refreshing the icon would keep changing color, kind of flickering. I suspect this is because draw-attention is being set on it as the feeds are being refreshed.
 * I don't think liferea should set draw-attention at all, the intention of that is for important messages that need somewhat immediate attention. I think of RSS feeds as rather passive, read them when you can as opposed to an IM that might require a response within a few minutes. Setting draw-attention everytime liferea refreshes will make that property less effective for IMs, calls, emails, etc.