installing kompozer

Asked by gufghur

Hi all,

I'm trying to install kompozer on ubuntu 11.10. I found a partial answer through:

    118446: How do I install Kompozer? (Answered)
    posted on 2010-07-21 in “kompozer” package in Ubuntu

But since i'm an absolute rooky on ubuntu (every consideration is highly appreciated), I'm afraid of just trying to work my way through with that answer, since my version is 11.10

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Ubuntu kompozer Edit question
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Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Just run:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kompozer

That will install the package.

Revision history for this message
gufghur (gufghur) said :


I've just promised myself to dig a bit into using the terminal so you guys can devote your time to other things.

Revision history for this message
gufghur (gufghur) said :

Thanks actionparsnip, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
gufghur (gufghur) said :

euh ... ahum .... I've tried to locate the program in the dash, but it dusn't seem to find it. Sama same after restarting the system.

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :



in full, does it appear?

Revision history for this message
gufghur (gufghur) said :

no, at first it didn't, but since I did a manual search via home folder, the dash now comes up with 2 results, a read-me file about mozilla and the original download folder of kompozer. But none of these start up the app offcourse.

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Can you give the output of:

gedit /usr/share/applications/kompozer.desktop


Revision history for this message
gufghur (gufghur) said :

output is:

** (gedit:3744) : WARNING **: Could not load theme icon gtk-home: Icon 'gtk-home' not present in theme

... and also gedit opened, but nothing was there.

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

ok, use tab to complete the kompozer.desktop filename, I may be slightly off as I don't use the app. You get the idea.

Basically as far as I remember the app will only appear in KDE, so you will need to tweak the file to appear in all desktops.

Revision history for this message
gufghur (gufghur) said :

I'm sorry, but your last answer is completely chinese to me ... use tab? >What is tab, and how do i complete kompozer.desktop filename?

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

what is the output of:

ls /usr/share/applications | grep -i kom


Revision history for this message
gufghur (gufghur) said :

no output at all on that one.

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :


grep -i kom /usr/share/applications/*

Revision history for this message
gufghur (gufghur) said :

This outputs a small bucket-full of information, wherein <kom> is printed in red. But none of those red printed kom's appear to be from kompozer.

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

What is output ?

Revision history for this message
gufghur (gufghur) said :

/usr/share/applications/gnome-universal-access-panel.desktop:X-GNOME-Keywords[cs]=klávesnice;myš;a11y;přístupnost;kontrast;přiblížení;zvětšení;čtečka obrazovky;čtení obrazovky;text;písmo;velikost;přístup;kombinace kláves jedním prstem;pomalé klávesy;vícenásobná zmáčknutí kláves;klávesnice myší
/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-startcenter.desktop:Comment[da]=Office produktionspakken er kompatibel med det åbne og standardiseret ODF-dokumentformat. Understøttet af The Document Foundation.
/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-startcenter.desktop:Comment[de]=Die zum offenen und standardisierten ODF-Format kompatible Sammlung von Büroanwendungen. Unterstützt durch »The Document Foundation«.
/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-startcenter.desktop:Comment[hr]=Paket uredskih aplikacija s podrškom za otvoren i standardiziran ODF format dokumenata. Podržan od strane Document fundacije.
/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-startcenter.desktop:Comment[hu]=A nyílt és szabványos ODF formátummal kompatibilis irodai programcsomag a Document Foundation támogatásával

Revision history for this message
actionparsnip (andrew-woodhead666) said :

Seems its not there, if you run:


Does it run ok?

Revision history for this message
gufghur (gufghur) said :

it is there!!

I typed kompozer in the terminal and it said that kompozer was not installed, and asked to type:

sudo apt-get install kompozer

which I did, and terminal came into action. And, it is listed in the dash.
Although, it's strange, since that syntax is part of what you suggested in your first answer:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kompozer

Which I typed just like that, but maybe I should not have used the ";" and the sentences had to be fed to terminal one by one?