Unmute Kmix

Asked by NakiMum

I'm running Kubuntu/KDE 4.2. The Kmix doesn't want to unmute. I've right clicked and left clicked, uninstalled and reinstalled Kmix, but nothing.
Could someone please help.

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NakiMum (nakimum) said :

Sorry, solved this on my own. I'm getting quite good. Changed the master channel from PCIM to FRONT.

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Tom (tom6) said :

Nicely done. it's good to have a good straight-forward answer for when people are hunting through the "Solved Answers" too shy to post one of their own. Thanks for contributing to Ubuntu :)

Welcome to Ubuntu and linux generally, good luck and have fun
Regards from

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NakiMum (nakimum) said :

Hi Tom. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm pretty chuffed that I can sort out some stuff on my own. I absolutely love Linux and have got both my computers running Linux. On my laptop I've got Ubuntu 8.1 and Kubuntu/KKDE 4.2 running and on the desktop I've got Ubuntu 8.1 running for my husband and teenage son to play games on. No more forking out moola to get games. Just use the Add/Remove and they got more than enough games - free.

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Tom (tom6) said :

lol, i like Wesnoth and Glest quite a lot. Congrats on getting 2 machines running linux already! I tend to prefer dual-boot setups to ease a slow transition from Windows to linux. I'm not sure how old your son is but Edubuntu is aimed at primary-school to adult i think and there is a new distro called Qimo

Edubuntu is really just a bundle of packages to add to an existing Ubuntu but i think the pre-school or infants Qimo is a full distro - perhaps good to install as a dual-boot alongside ubuntu?

Anyway, good luck and regards from
Tom :)

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NakiMum (nakimum) said :

Hi Tom
thanks for the tip.
He's 15 and loves the edubuntu. I've got my 3yr old hooked on it aswell. In fact, we're all hooked on it.
Linux was a pretty smooth transition for me, the help I received from everyone was amazing. I was so tired of vista crashing on me and having to spend $'s to get my laptop fixed. I've been using ubuntu for about 6 mths and absolutely am a fan. Won't use anything else.
The link you gave me says it's been discontinued. But will google it.

Tanya ;-)

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Tom (tom6) said :

Ooops sorry about that link - it went to completely the wrong page. It might be worth hunting around DistroWatch's main page and last weeks newsletter. Also near the end of last weeks "Readers Comments" was a list of "educational linux's" which might have something else interesting too.

Glad to hear you're free of Vista. Xp was ok to dual-boot with but Vista can be a bit stroppy at times. Welcome to linux :)

Regards from
Tom :)

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Tom (tom6) said :
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NakiMum (nakimum) said :

Hi thanks for the link. I just Google when in doubt.
I'll subscribe to the newsletter, didn't know there was one.

Now that I've overcome most of the Linux-obstacles, I'll never go back to any windows. I can do so much more with Linux.

Vista was a devil to work worth. I love my Ubuntu/KubuntuKDE. But what I love the most is the launchpad. There's always some1 willing and able to help.


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Tom (tom6) said :

lol, i avoid subscribing to newsletters - fortunately with this one it's just on their site so i can read it when i want. Sounds like you could probably help people in launchpad too (if you dont already). it's good fun. I've tried a few of the different sections of launchpad but so far the Answers forum is the most fun :)

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NakiMum (nakimum) said :

Before I forget, this is how I solved the problem:

Master channel is set to Front
The mixer channels are as follows:
Mic Boost (optional)

Toggle between above mentioned to get desired sound-settings for you.
