kde-workspace 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu4 source package in Ubuntu
kde-workspace (4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu4) precise-proposed; urgency=low * Add missing epoch in breaks/replaces of libkwinnvidiahack4 -- Philip Muskovac <email address hidden> Thu, 12 Apr 2012 19:32:48 +0200
Upload details
- Uploaded by:
- Philip Muškovac
- Uploaded to:
- Precise
- Original maintainer:
- Kubuntu Members
- Architectures:
- any all
- Section:
- kde
- Urgency:
- Low Urgency
See full publishing history Publishing
Series | Published | Component | Section | |
Precise | release | main | kde |
File | Size | SHA-256 Checksum |
kde-workspace_4.8.2a.orig.tar.xz | 32.5 MiB | ad3bb23ee86cca96be608a856420f45ac636dc89405c9c6cd32d2b85e4b09928 |
kde-workspace_4.8.2a-0ubuntu4.debian.tar.gz | 181.3 KiB | e2d25b85bd68275250e5fd91980277d9859f8f28e67382418f40fa3fdf7d04e2 |
kde-workspace_4.8.2a-0ubuntu4.dsc | 6.6 KiB | fb5a951e3904ee6482be42c974befda57c5f22ceca35c074baf590b9932bb640 |
Available diffs
- diff from 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu2 to 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu4 (633 bytes)
- diff from 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu3 to 4:4.8.2a-0ubuntu4 (584 bytes)
Binary packages built by this source
- freespacenotifier: free space notification module for KDE
This module notifies the user when /home or one of the other directories
which you can configure it to monitor are running out of space.
More technically, this package provides a module for kded, the KDE Daemon.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- kde-style-oxygen: Oxygen widget style
This package provides the Oxygen widget style. It may be used for KDE and Qt
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- kde-window-manager: K window manager (KWin)
This package contains KWin, the KDE window manager, featuring
hardware-accelerated compositing effects.
This package contains the OpenGL accesslarated version.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- kde-window-manager-active: No summary available for kde-window-manager-active in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for kde-window-
manager- active in ubuntu quantal.
- kde-window-manager-active-gles: No summary available for kde-window-manager-active-gles in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for kde-window-
manager- active- gles in ubuntu quantal.
- kde-window-manager-common: K window manager (KWin) Common Files
This package contains KWin common files used by bother OpenGL and OpenGLES
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- kde-window-manager-gles: K window manager (KWin) - OpenGL ES binary
This package contains KWin, the KDE window manager, featuring
hardware-accelerated compositing effects.
This package was compiled with support for OpenGL ES 2.0,
before installing please make sure your video driver supports it.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- kde-workspace: No summary available for kde-workspace in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for kde-workspace in ubuntu quantal.
- kde-workspace-bin: No summary available for kde-workspace-bin in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for kde-workspace-bin in ubuntu quantal.
- kde-workspace-data: shared data files for the KDE Plasma Workspace
This package contains architecture-
independent shared data files needed for a
basic KDE Workspace installation.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- kde-workspace-data-extras: No summary available for kde-workspace-data-extras in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for kde-workspace-
data-extras in ubuntu quantal.
- kde-workspace-dbg: debugging symbols for the KDE Plasma Workspaces
This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with
binaries included in the KDE base workspace module.
- kde-workspace-dev: No summary available for kde-workspace-dev in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for kde-workspace-dev in ubuntu quantal.
- kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins: No summary available for kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for kde-workspace-
kgreet- plugins in ubuntu quantal.
- kdebase-workspace: No summary available for kdebase-workspace in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for kdebase-workspace in ubuntu quantal.
- kdebase-workspace-bin: transitional package for kde-workspace-bin
This is a dummy transitional package for kde-workspace-bin and can be safely
removed after the installation is complete.
- kdebase-workspace-dbg: transitional package for kde-workspace-dbg
This is a dummy transitional package for kde-workspace-dbg and can be safely
removed after the installation is complete.
- kdebase-workspace-dev: No summary available for kdebase-workspace-dev in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for kdebase-
workspace- dev in ubuntu quantal.
- kdm: No summary available for kdm in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for kdm in ubuntu quantal.
- kinfocenter: system information viewer
KInfoCenter provides you with a graphical overview of various aspects of your
system, such as memory usage, storage capacity, and attached devices.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- klipper: clipboard manager
Klipper is a clipboard manager. It stores a history of the clipboard
contents and can automatically perform actions when certain items are
selected, such as launch a web browser when a URL is selected.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- kmenuedit: XDG menu editor
This package provides an menu editor which may be used to edit the KDE Plasma
workspaces menu or any other XDG menu.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- ksysguard: process monitor and system statistics
System Guard allows you to monitor various statistics about your system.
In addition to monitoring the local system, it can connect to remote systems
running the System Guard Daemon, which is in the 'ksysguardd' package.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- ksysguardd: System Guard Daemon
System Guard Daemon can be installed on a remote system so that the KDE
System Guard can connect to and monitor it.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libkdecorations4: No summary available for libkdecorations4 in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for libkdecorations4 in ubuntu quantal.
- libkephal4abi1: API for easier handling of multihead systems
This package contains libraries needed for Kephal's D-Bus API.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libkscreensaver5: No summary available for libkscreensaver5 in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for libkscreensaver5 in ubuntu quantal.
- libksgrd4: library for ksysguard
This package contains the library needed for ksysguard, the KDE process
monitor and system statistics application, and for applications and Plasma
data engines which want to interface with ksysguardd.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libksignalplotter4: KSignalPlotter widget
This library contains the KSignalPlotter widget, which is a widget that
draws a real time graph of data that updates continually.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libkwinactiveeffects1abi3: library used by effects for the KDE window manager Active
This package contains a library used by effects for the KDE window manager
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libkwinactiveglesutils1: No summary available for libkwinactiveglesutils1 in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for libkwinactivegl
esutils1 in ubuntu quantal.
- libkwinactiveglutils1: library used by accellaration for the KDE window manager Active
This package contains a library used by accellaration for the KDE window
manager Active. This is for the KWin verwsion which uses OpenGL.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libkwinactivenvidiahack4: library used by nvidia cards for the KDE window manager
This package contains a library used by nvidia cards for the KDE window
manager Active.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libkwineffects1abi3: library used by effects for the KDE window manager
This package contains a library used by effects for the KDE window manager.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libkwinglesutils1: library used by accellaration for the KDE window manager
This package contains a library used by accellaration for the KDE window
manager. This is for the KWin version which uses OpenGLES.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libkwinglutils1: library used by accellaration for the KDE window manager
This package contains a library used by accellaration for the KDE window
manager. This is for the KWin verwsion which uses OpenGL.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libkwinnvidiahack4: library used by nvidia cards for the KDE window manager
This package contains a library used by nvidia cards for the KDE window
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libkworkspace4abi1: No summary available for libkworkspace4abi1 in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for libkworkspace4abi1 in ubuntu quantal.
- liblsofui4: No summary available for liblsofui4 in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for liblsofui4 in ubuntu quantal.
- libplasma-geolocation-interface4: library for the Plasma geolocation
This package contains libraries needed for the Plasma geolocation.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libplasmaclock4abi3: No summary available for libplasmaclock4abi3 in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for libplasmaclock4abi3 in ubuntu quantal.
- libplasmagenericshell4: shared elements for all the plasma shells
This library contains elements shared by the plasma desktop shell,
the plasma netbook shell and the plasma screensaver overlay.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libprocesscore4abi1: library for ksysguard based process view
This package contains libraries needed for ksysguard based process view.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libprocessui4a: No summary available for libprocessui4a in ubuntu quantal.
No description available for libprocessui4a in ubuntu quantal.
- libsolidcontrol4abi2: library for Solid based network management
This package contains libraries needed for Solid based network management.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libsolidcontrolifaces4abi2: library for Solid based network interface management
This package contains libraries needed for Solid based network interface
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libtaskmanager4abi3: library which provides task management facilities
This package contains libraries which provide task management facilities.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- libweather-ion6: library which provides an interface for weather information services
This package contains the library used to implement new ions (i.e. information
fetching plugins) for the Plasma weather engine.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- plasma-dataengines-workspace: KDE Plasma data engines
This package contains standard Plasma data engines shipped in KDE Plasma
workspace. These engines are needed by the standard KDE base
workspace Plasma widgets, but they may be useful for any other Plasma widget
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- plasma-desktop: KDE Plasma workspace for desktop and laptop computers
Provides the environment for running and managing applications and integrating
interaction of applications. It is designed as generic environment for all
kinds of desktop applications, not only applications built on the KDE Platform.
It integrates best with applications following the standards used by the KDE
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- plasma-netbook: KDE Plasma workspace for netbook computers
Provides the environment for running and managing applications and integrating
interaction of applications. It is designed as generic environment for all
kinds of applications in a netbook environment, not only applications built on
the KDE Platform. It integrates best with applications following the standards
used by the KDE Platform.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- plasma-scriptengine-python: Python script engine for Plasma
This package provides the Python script engine for Plasma. You have to install
it if you want to use Plasma widgets and data engines written in Python.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- plasma-scriptengine-ruby: Ruby script engine for Plasma
This package provides the Ruby script engine for Plasma. You have to install it
if you want to use Plasma widgets and data engines written in Ruby.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- plasma-scriptengine-webkit: Web and Mac OS X dashboard widget support for Plasma
This package provides the WebKit script engine for Plasma which adds support
for the webpage widgets written in HTML and JavaScript and for the Apple
Mac OS X dashboard widgets. You have to install this package if you want to be
able to load these widgets in your Plasma shell.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- plasma-scriptengines: metapackage to install all Plasma script engines
This metapackage depends on all Plasma script engines which kde-workspace
module provides and suggests script engines from other official KDE modules.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- plasma-widgets-workspace: plasma widgets and containments for the KDE Plasma Workspace
This package contains standard Plasma widgets and containments shipped in the
KDE base workspace module. They provide such basic desktop functionality as
the panel, task manager, application laucher, clock and more. The default KDE
Workspace is a combination of these visual components.
This package also includes the default animator used by the main KDE Plasma
Desktop shell.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
- systemsettings: System Settings
System Settings is an improved user interface for configuring the desktop
and other aspects of the system.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.