Error 16: inconsistent filesystem structure

Asked by cpunke

I ran a little LAMP-Server (PentiumIII/933, 512MB RAM, i810e) with Ubuntu 8.04.1 and kernel 2.6.24-19.
Yesterday I ran apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.
This installed update-manager-core (0.87.30) and initramfs-tools 0.85ebuntu39.2 reported in /var/log/dpkg.log.

After reboot I get the grub-menu and after selecting the default kernel this error:

Error 16: inconsistent filesystem structure , press any key.

After reset I selected the old kernel (2.6.22-15) and server started fine.

I booted from LIVE-CD and ran fsck.ext3 on /dev/sda1 (root) which detects no errors.

There are only 2 partitions on the disk root-/dev/sda1 and swap -/dev/sda2.

I reinstalled initramfs-tools und ran update-initramfs, all without errors but also with no effect.

Anybody some usefull hints ?

Thanks in advance...

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Ubuntu grub Edit question
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sirderigo (sirderigo-deactivatedaccount) said :

hi, when the grub appear, press E, and find the line what says: savedefault, put the selection upon this and press D, /this will delete this line, after press B to start the sistem, if this works, you only have to edit the menu.lst:

sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

find the new kernel line, and erase savedefault.

i hope this works for you

Revision history for this message
cpunke (ubuntu-punke) said :

Thank you for the fast answer, but there is no line with 'savedefault'

The options for 2.6.24-19 (causes error):
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-server root=UUID=2605590d-... ro quiet splash
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-server

The options for 2.6.22-15 (working fine):

same as above , only 2.6.24-19 changes to 2.6.22-15

Revision history for this message
cpunke (ubuntu-punke) said :

Solved the problem myself:
First: Created a separate boot-partition like described on This changed the error to Stage1.5 Error 15.
Then reinstalled grub like described here: .

After that system boots and runs properly again.

Thanks for your support....