How do I log a gnome-terminal session to a file?

Asked by John Gruber

I converted to my Ubuntu laptop for work and am missing one key feature. I often capture ssh session logs for support reasons (dumps from routers/switches/hosts) to text files. How do I do that with gnome-terminal? All I want to do is turn logging on... capture text... turn it off... have the text file to manipulate/email etc...

Thanks in advance


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Ralph Janke (txwikinger) said :

Thanks for the question.

You can use the command 'script' for this. Use 'man script' for the full options.

You can just start it with script <logfilename>, and end it with ctrl-d

I hope this helps.

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John Gruber (john-gruber) said :

Thanks so much for your answer!

script is ok as log as you can afford to run it locally before you open a session. What happens if you don't need (didn't know you needed to) log a session until after you have connected to a device/host? How do you run script locally after the fact?

That's why I was interested in logging in gnome-terminal itself so logging could be turned on/off at will at the client side, not matter what you are currently connected to.

Is there a way to do this in gnome-terminal? Does gnome-terminal support any kind of plugin architecture so I could considering writing this myself?



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Ralph Janke (txwikinger) said :

If you use konsole, you can save the history as Edit->Save History as.

You could also just cut & paste.

If you want to make sure everything stays in the history change the settings of the history with: Settings->History and set unlimited.

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Jens Bech Madsen (jbmadsen) said :

I don't believe this is really answered. The answer at the moment would have to be that "You can't do that in Gnome Terminal".

The bug I linked is a similar feature (save scrollback buffer to file). That is in turn linked to which is really about having an option to start logging to file. is about saving the scrollback buffer to file.

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tebeka (miki-tebeka) said :

Just a follow-up, I've added the following lines to the top of my .bashrc, this way I have a log file for each session:

if [ -z "$UNDER_SCRIPT" ]; then
    if [ ! -d /tmp/terminal-logs ]; then
        mkdir /tmp/terminal-logs
    export UNDER_SCRIPT=1
    script -f -a -q /terminal-logs/$$.log

The log for each session is under /tmp/terminal-logs/<pid>.log


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tebeka (miki-tebeka) said :

Ooops, remove the wrong path, should be

if [ -z "$UNDER_SCRIPT" ]; then
    if [ ! -d /tmp/terminal-logs ]; then
        mkdir /tmp/terminal-logs
    export UNDER_SCRIPT=1
    script -f -q /tmp/terminal-logs/$$.log

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Rafał Błaszczyk (rblaszczyk) said :

Here is my impoved version. It saves log to file with date, time and pid (for example 2009-03-22_20:48:09.23139.log) and compresses old logs when opening new bash shell.

if [ -z "$UNDER_SCRIPT" ]; then
        if [ ! -d $logdir ]; then
                mkdir $logdir
        gzip -q $logdir/*.log
        logfile=$logdir/$(date +%F_%T).$$.log
        export UNDER_SCRIPT=$logfile
        script -f -q $logfile

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Michał Borsuk (michal-borsuk) said :

For future users running into the same problem: there is a build of PuTTY for Linux (GTK+), and it supports this feature (as well as many others, e.g. serial connections)

So here's the command:

sudo apt-get install putty

Good luck!

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pottedmeat (bart-brobertson) said :

This trick makes use of the script utility. Whenever a new gnome-terminal session is opened:
- A prompt will be displayed to enter the hostname for a ssh connection.
- The tab title is set to the hostname just in case your profile on the remote host does not properly set the PROMPT_COMMAND or PS1 variables.
- The hostname is used along with a date stamp to create a filename that is used for logging the output of the script session (
- The connection is made via "ssh $hostname".

This method could easily be modified to include a username in case you use ssh like "ssh user@host".

In gnome-terminal, click Edit, Profile Preferences, Title and Command tab, and put the following command into the "Custom command" field:

bash -l -c 'dt=`date "+%Y%m%dx%H%M%S"`; read -p "Hostname> " host; echo -ne "\033]0;$host\007"; script -a -f -q -c "bash -l -c \"ssh $host\"" $HOME/sessionlogs/$host.sessionlog.$dt.txt'

The above example assumes that the $HOME/sessionlogs directory already exists.

You will try it, and you will like it.

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Michał Borsuk (michal-borsuk) said :

For ssh use putty, it's now available as a deb package. What some users want is to be able to save the output for further reference, so your solution does not apply.

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pottedmeat (bart-brobertson) said :

The original question was "How do I log a gnome-terminal session to a file?" Not "when will putty be avialable?"
So, some clarification. If you want automatic session logging for gnome-terminal, then my solution absolutely applies, as I've been using it for awhile and it stores every session log into a separate file. This has proven extremely useful. If you want to enable/disable logging on the fly with a built-in feature of gnome-terminal, then the answer is "no". I can see the benefit of this, but some would argue that this is no quicker or easier than cut-and-paste. My solution is to simply log everything all the time.

# begin rant
People will have different preferences. Some people don't like putty because they prefer a terminal emulator with tabbed sessions. Putty does not have tabbed sessions unless you're using it under Windows along with one of the additional "wrapper" apps. I personally dislike putty for this very reason. I do like the background transparency and tabbed session features of gnome-terminal.
# end rant

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Michał Borsuk (michal-borsuk) said :

pottedmeat: I may have misunderstood your original post: it seems that your solution does not *only* work with SSL sessions. Thanks for the script!

Nevertheless, I vote for a full and proper solution within gnome-terminal.

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harrykar (harrykar) said :

"Automatic Logging - Complete logs are automatically generated of all of the user's terminal sessions."

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ZTiK (of-trash) said :

I just registered to reply on an old thread just for the wanderers like me who are looking for a way to log an ENTIRE gnome-terminal session :

start the gnome-terminal as such :

script -q /pathto/logfile/ -c "gnome-terminal (+whatever options you want to set)"

sorry for posting in an old/closed thread, but it helped me very much :)

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